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send letters home or emails

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Q: How do you tell students their teacher died suddenly?
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Should students tell teachers their personal problems?

It depends on the problem. Like if you had a problem with a friend, parent, health issue, or another teacher, students should be able to trust their teacher well enough to tell them these things. However, if it is something like a period or something else private, students have the right to keep away from their teacher or tell them. Hope that answers your question! :-) Toodle~o!

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they should immediatly tell the teacher and listen to her instructions

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first your teacher has to sign up for it then adds students. then teacher will tell the class the class name then they have to enter a password

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I would suggest asking the teacher to provide evidence.

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You can't tell if a teacher is gay unless they decide to tell you. Most teachers would never tell their students, as parents and school boards are not yet ready for such openness. You can't tell if someone is gay by the way they talk, or walk, or dress.

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An Ordered Pair proving Math isn't funny

What to do if you fancy your teacher?

Forget doing anything. If you truly like your teacher you will not tell her/him and not act on your feelings. As an adult a teacher is responsible for your learning and education. They are there to guide you, but not "like" you. Many students often feel this way about teachers, but they grow out of it and so will you.

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The teacher could tell how apathetic the students were, when they all yawned and groaned once she started telling them about the fifty states.

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Best not to swear or mention sax in any way- some students may be sensitive to that sort of thing and tell their over-reacting parents

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Mr. Lunser is a strict and traditional English teacher who values order and discipline in the classroom. He expects his students to always tell the truth and follow the rules, often leading to conflict with his students, especially with protagonist Philip Malloy.

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Your teacher is asking for a written answer to this statement. We don’t write items for students and your teacher is looking for your critical thinking skills and how well you understood the lesson.

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A "bad" teacher is one who does not relate to students well and/or does not teach in a way that keeps the students interested or who does not teach in a way that students can understand the material.