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The reactivity of a nonmetal is measured by a quantity known as electronegativity, meaning the degree of attraction for electrons (you might think that this would be called electropositivity, but since electrons have a negative charge, elements that attract them will also tend to acquire negative charges, hence, an attraction for electrons is a tendency toward the negative). The most reactive nonmetals, in order, are fluorine, oxygen, and chlorine.

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Q: How do you tell the the reactive of a non metal on the periodic table?
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This location indicate that francium is an alkali metal, very reactive.

What does periodic table tell you?

The periodic table tells you chemical elements. :)

How do you tell the reactiveness of a non metal on the periodic table?

The periodicity of nonmetals is that reactivity increases from left to right across a period, through group 17, the halogens. As you move down a group, reactivity decreases. Fluorine is the most reactive element.

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What can you tell about the element sodium by looking at the periodic table?

1. Sodium is in the first group of the periodic table and in the period 3; it is an alkali metal. 2. Sodium is a solid metal, forming monovalent cations. 3. Sodium is very chemically reactive. 4. The atomic weight of sodium is not great. 5. The density of sodium is not great. 6. The chemical symbol of sodium is Na. 7. Sodium hydroxide is a strong and corrosive base.

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It depends on the placing of the element in the periodic table. For the far left, group 1, the most reactive element is the one closest to the bottom. For the far right, the most reactive is the one closest to the top. The table follows certain trends, depending on it's placement in the periodic table. By learning these trends, you'll be able to tell at a glance. For example, Francium, the bottom-left most element only ever exists for a fraction of a second; it's so reactive, it reacts when it is created.

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The groups in the periodic table tell you what each element within them will react with, the number of valance electrons the element has, and what family it is in.

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the benefit is that you can tell the atomic number atomic mass its symbol and where it is on the periodic table

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These elements all want to lose 1 electron to have a noble gas electron configuration and are thus extremely reactive, particularly with water.See the Related Questions to the left for more information about the Group 1 alkali metal elements.

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where tell me then

Does the periodic table tell you the number of protons?

The Periodic Table tells you how many protons are in an atom by their Elemental Number. In other words, yes, the Periodic Table tells you how many protons are in an atom.

How do you tell what has highest metallic character?

The most reactive metal is francium.