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In normal grey cockatiels, the males have more yellow on their head and cheeks. They tend to be noisier and more aggressive than the females. The females have stripes on the underside of their tail feathers and act more docile.

If both of your birds appear to be female, they can still lay eggs. (It means that the egg layer loves you.) The eggs aren't fertilized and will not hatch.

If you have a male and a female and the eggs are fertilized, they will hatch in about 21 days. If you don't want babies, either get rid of the eggs or freeze them.

*The bird sitting on the egg is probably the one who laid it. If they both sit on the egg, the one spending the most time on the egg is probably the female. (The droppings of a female with eggs are bigger and smellier than usual. I think this is due to the inactivity of the bird sitting on the eggs, rather than a result of the egg laying.)

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Q: How do you tell which cockatiel laid the eggs is there a way to tell by their behavior or droppings I have two birds but don't know if they are male or female or female and female?
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