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I would tell them I am quitting, and explain why. I would go to their superior, and explain, if the sociopathic boss was the source of the problem. I would make sure that I covered all my bases, before telling the boss, and woulddocument everything, send certified letters, record, get coworker letters, etc, if I felt he would be retaliatory, and usually they are, for no reason, but that they are parallel emotionally, but they also forget quickly, so that is in your favor, if you move on quickly.Hope that helps.

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Q: How do you tell your sociopath boss you are leaving him?
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Get away from him and the relationship. Tell him to get help, or lose you. As simple as that, and I mean intense therapy. If he thinks he has no problems and doesn't want help, then help yourself and do what ever you need to do to prepare for leaving him, and divorcing him. Find someone to stay with, break off all contact (which is hard because a sociopath's victim often becomes almost addicted to them and the cycle of sociopath abuse). Good luck, and run as fast as you can to save yourself. It's very rare for a sociopath to ever change or want to change, even meds and therapy rarely help them.

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Well that would depend on your relationship with your boss. If your boss is a real jerk, or if you don't like him, I would check your company's policy on notice before quitting, after all, you don't want one of your future references to be a bad one. Then I would just flat out tell him why I'm leaving, why the job is better, (why working there was horrible if that applies). If you like your boss then I would sit down with him, apologize, and tell him why the new job will be good for you. Who knows? He might even offer you a better pay to keep you on. ;)

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