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Well, real diamond is having property to cut the mirror.So you can check out by cutting a piece of mirror at home and you can easily detect that if the diamond is real or not...

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Q: How do you test if a diamond is real at home?
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The field test for raw diamond is 'extreme hardness'.

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A better test is with a probe, which your jeweler will use to tell you if the diamond is a real diamond.

How do you find if a diamond is real?

Take your diamond to a jeweler who can test the stone to confirm that it is or is not a diamond.

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You take it to a jeweler who can test the stone and verify that it is a diamond, or that it is imitation.

How do you examine a diamond at home?

You can take the diamond and test to see if it can scratch glass(warning: this may cause damage to the diamond) also if you own a magnifying glass put the diamond up to it... If there are tiny imperfections it's most likely real, you could also literally smash it with a hammer... If it doesn't break or even chip, the diamond is real.

how to test diamond ring at home?

closerty daimond

How to test a diamond at home?

Try cutting glass with it

How do you heat test the diamond?

DON'T heat test a diamoind. Leave it to a jeweller. If you apply heat to a diamond it will become soot (graphite).

How can you test the rock in the ring to see if the diamond is real?

if it will cut glass

How can I tell if a diamond is real at home?

You may be able to determine whether or not a diamond is real at home by breathing on it to moisten the surface -- some people clean eyeglasses this way -- and if the stone remains foggy for more than a few seconds, chances are, the stone is not real. NB: This is an imperfect test and should not be relied on. However, be aware that the only way to truly identify a diamond is by use of a probe, which jewelers use to verify that the stone conducts electricity.

How do you tell an uncut diamond is real?

The field test for a diamond stone is its extremehardness. Lacking any tool to test extreme hardness, take the raw stone to a jeweler, who can use a probe to confirm that the stone is or is not a diamond.

How do you find out if a diamond is real besides testing it with a diamond tester.?

A 'quick and dirty' test is to pass the diamond over glass. If it cuts the glass, it's probably a diamond. Some 'fake' diamonds cloud up under cold water; a real diamond remains clear. Finally, a certified gemologist will always be able to tell whether a diamond is a real diamond, or a 'fake' diamond -- using a diamond tester.