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Q: How do you test to see which antibiotics you would give to someone with a bacterial infection?
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Why is organism identification important?

So it can be properly treated; for example, if you think someone has a bacterial infection, you would treat that person with antibiotics. If that person actually has a viral infection, they should be receiving anti-virals, not antibiotics. Antibiotics have not affect on viruses.

If someone with the Swine Flu is taking antibiotics are they still contagious?

Yes, because antibiotics are not effective on viruses. The Swine Flu (A-H1N1/09 virus) is unaffected by antibiotics and would still be transmissable. Antibiotics are usually only given to someone with a virus if they have already gotten or are considered to be at risk of getting a secondary bacterial infection along with the viral infection. Antibiotics are used to kill bacteria and treat bacterial infections.

Why can't you use the same kind of antibiotic for a fungus infection as you use for a bacterial infection?

AntiBiotics kill bacteria, not fungus. To kill Fungus, An Antifungal Would have to be used.

Why penicilli is completely useless to treat a fungal infection?

Antibiotics like penicillin are used to kill bacterial infections. An antifungal medication would be needed to treat a fungal infection.

Can AIDS be treated with antibiotics?

False. There is no cure yet for AIDS. Antibiotics work on bacteria. So if an AIDS patient gets a secondary bacterial infection, it would be appropriate for them to take antibiotics to help with the bacterial infection. AIDS is caused by the HIV virus, so antibiotics would be ineffective for treatment of the AIDS itself, just secondary infections associated with the AIDS. They are especially prone to these because of the lowered ability of AIDS patients' immune systems to fight disease.

Is it dangerous for you to take your medicine for bacterial vaginitis if you might get pregnant?

No. The treatment is antibiotics and in this case you would really need it if you are pregnant. The infection going untreated would be worse. Speak to your doctor so they know.

How can you tell if a dogs whiskers are infected?

Infected whiskers can look like pimples, in grown hairs, or inflamed. For bacterial infection antibiotics and changing their bowl they eat out of will help. A vet should be consulted if someone believes that their dog has a infected whisker.

Can doxycycline 100mg treat cold sores?

Don't ever take an antibiotic to treat an ailment without consulting your doctor. Antibiotics only treat a few specific bacterium per antibiotic. By taking antibiotics for a type of bacterial infection that is resistant to that antibiotic, you only weaken the immune system making the infection harder to treat down the road. In addition, one of the side effects of doxycycline (Adoxa, Monodox), is "exacerbation of sinusitis symptoms". Check with your doctor. In a perfect world, doctors would never treat a bacterial infection without doing a culture to determine which antibiotics a bacterial infection is sensitive to. But this does not happen often enough.

What do you think would happen if a doctor prescribe an antibiotic for a patient surffering from influenza?

It won't do anything to help or hurt the influenza, but it can treat or prevent a secondary bacterial infection if the doctor diagnoses, or anticipates, the development of a bacterial infection. Antibiotics are only effective on bacteria. Antiviral medications, like Tamiflu, are for treating influenza.

Should you give antibiotics to animals without fever?

There are some instances where an animal may have a bacterial infection but not be running a fever; these would be times that a veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics for the animal. You should not give any animal antibiotics without consulting a veterinarian first - antibiotics have side effects and can cause medical emergencies if used improperly.

Can your child get high fever while on antibiotics?

It is possible for a child to get a fever after being on an antibiotic for three days. There are several reasons. A few of those reasons are that the child could be sick with a virus and not a bacteria, in which case the antibiotic would be useless. Another scenario is that the bacteria is resistant to the particular antibiotic and that a different one is needed. In either case, you should follow up with the child's physician.

Can you get a bacterial infection by the size of the male's penis?

I cannot think of any way that the size of a penis would increase or decrease the chances of a Bacterial infection.