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It would be hotter than it currently is.

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Q: How do you think Europa would be affected is it was close to the sun as Earth is?
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What do you think will happen if you could somehow bring Europa as close to the sun as the earth is?

it will explote

Why do some people think that there may be life on Europa?

Because there are materials in Europa which Earth also contain. A example of this is H2o (Water)

Scientists think that europa may have what?

The scientists think that Europa can have the life on it.

What planet has the greatest possibility of life other than Earth?

I think it might be Mars... or maybe Europa.

If earth's oceans were much smaller how do you think climates on earth would be affected?

The earth will freeze

What does scientist think about Europa?

Europa is the sixth moon of the planet Jupiter.

Did Neal Armstrong walk on IO or Europa?

Europa dah ...................... I think he did both yep he did both

What do scientists believe that europa may have?

I have read somewhere that scientists think that europa may have an underground ocean.

Why do people think that there is life on europa?

Because there is enough oxygen on europa for people to live @NeonReflection (Twitter)

Sciencetist think that europa may have what?


What is europa moon made of?

Europa is covered with ice and underneath a layer of ice there is an ocean that scientists think might have life living in it. Also Europa has many cracks on it.

Why do some people think that there is life on europa?

Because there is enough oxygen on europa for people to live @NeonReflection (Twitter)