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Q: How do you think the audience reacted to kings speech?
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Why does wiesel end his speech with several questions?

To leave unanswered questions for the audience to think about 👍🏽

What impact do you think hitlers speech would have had on his audience?

Well if hitler still had an audience after his first speech then they apparently agreed with all that he said and wanted to keep coming back to listen to what he had to say. So it impacted them personally probably good as far as they were concerned. I think it might have made his audience feel impowered or something.

What is initial credibility in communication?

Initial credibility is the credibility an individual has before beginning his or her speech; this is mostly based on the reputation and credentials of the speaker, if they are known to the audience. ... Think of terminal credibility as more of the lasting impression that an audience has of a speech and a speaker.

What should you write a speech about?

Consider writing a speech about something that interests you. That way, you can convey your fascination about the topic to your audience. Think about your audience. If they are children, write about challenges they face or what they are sure to know about. If you are assigned a speech topic and think it is boring, find a way to make it a little interesting. If writing about the Civil War, you may write about their uniforms. See?

What is a clincher in a speech?

A clincher in a speech is a strong and memorable closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the audience. It is designed to reinforce the main points of the speech and leave the audience with a final thought or call to action.

What are the comparative mode of kings speech?

General Vision and Cultural Context as comparative modes I think. ... I'm looking at An Inspector Calls and The King's Speech too.

How can you come up with a speech topic?

To come up with a speech topic, consider your interests, expertise, and the interests of your audience. Think about current events, personal experiences, or issues that you are passionate about. Brainstorm ideas, research the topic to ensure it is relevant and engaging, and tailor your speech to your audience's needs and expectations.

Speech recited by one character?

It is a monologue.To understand better, when the speech is delivered within the story (as in it is intended for other characters to hear), it is a monologue (think the "Friends, Romans, countrymen..." speech from Julius Caesar). On the other hand, if the speech is directed to the "fourth wall", intended for the audience, then it is a soliloquy(think the "To be or not to be..." speech from Hamlet).

How do you use rhetorical questions in a speech?

Rhetorical questions can be used in a speech to prompt the audience to think about a topic, engage with the content, or emphasize a point. They are not meant to be answered by the audience, but rather to encourage reflection or highlight key ideas. By using rhetorical questions strategically, you can capture attention and create a more dynamic and interactive speech.

What is persuasive speech?

It is when you want to make others believe that what you are saying is totally true. For example, let's suppose that you are delivering a speech about "getting 10 years younger just by taking a pill for two weeks". Your audience may think that that is utterly impossible; nevertheless, you have to make them change their mind by using all your strategies, so that your audience, or part of your audience, will believe that you are right.

What is a rhetorical question designed to do?

A rhetorical question is designed to engage the audience and prompt them to think about a topic, without expecting a direct answer. It can be used to emphasize a point, create an effect, or draw attention to a particular issue in a conversation or speech.

What role does emotions play in the successful delivery of a persuasive speech?

The role of emotions in persuasive speech is forming a connection with the audience and thus, showing what you think of what you are talking about it or showing the positivity of the action and/or object.