

How do you tie a shoelace?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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9y ago

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What an age we live in!

Someone can use the internet but they cannot tie a shoelace!

Cross one end of the lace over, and then under the other end and pull the ends tight, forming a partial knot.

Take one end of the lace and double it to make a loop.

Bend it inwards over the 'knot' formed earlier. Keep hold of it.

Take the other end of the lace in your other hand and wrap it once around the loop.

Push a loop of this other end into the space between the first loop and where theis other end crosses it.

Pull both loops tight.

That all reads as quite complicated, but it is really quite simple.

Have a look " Ian's Shoelace Site" this answer for an illustrated guide. May foot heath stores recommend it for proper fastening of shoes for comfort, walking and heavy duty hiking.

The site will provide normal methods as well as specialized methods to make shoes looser, tighter, more flexible and fit in the heel. Like any skill there's a lot more to it once you get past the beginner level

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Check this site here:http:/ It has a step by step diagrams to help you tie a shoelace. :]

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tie a knot and then a bowe and then your shoelace is tied unless u want a double knot then u just tie another knot

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956487 956487

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greuies tu un hago preconise

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Yes. It's fine unless your Dr tells you otherwise.

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the tip you use to thread the shoelace with is call the aglet

How many people in the world knows how to tie a shoelace?

It is estimated that the majority of people in the world, particularly those who wear shoes with laces, know how to tie a shoelace. This skill is typically taught at a young age and is considered a basic life skill.

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