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You will have to spend a lot of time with your parrot, parrots have to become tame and that will probably be the only way to get them to stay on shoulders. Clipping their wings are to be safe, To do that, just open the wing and cut all the primary feathers, the longer flight feathers, but leave the three outer feathers so when the wing is folded it looks normal.

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Q: How do you train parrot not to fly away and let them stay on shoulders or hands freely without cutting their wings?
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its the rabbit and parrot i dont kow why?????

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A talking parrot in a dream might symbolize someone who is "parroting" or repeating whatever is heard without any particular meaning. You might feel that someone is "parroting" what you have said, or perhaps that you are expected to "parrot" someone else.

How can you pet a parrot without keeping in a cage?

Just don't leave any doors open or any windows open so that the parrot can stay inside.If you didn't buy a cage yet,hang some food around for the parrot,and I recommend you buying a cage ASAP.Or you're going to see a lot of you-know everywhere.

Is Amazon parrot a parrot?

Yes, Amazon parrot is the common name for a parrot of the genus Amazona.

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well a parrot is a bird and a parrot fish is a fish

Is it a cave parrot or a cove parrot?

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