

How do you train your puppy to listen to you more?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How do you train your puppy to listen to you more?
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Why is it harder to train German shepherds when their older but is easier when they are babies?

Because learning as a baby helps him keep the knowledge till he is an average adult. As long as you train him things as a puppy and practice them all of his life, he will know much more than a dog who has never been trained when a baby. Here is an example. If you want to train your dog to listen to you at all times, its best to start him out as a puppy. That way, he knows who's vioce is callig him, commanding him,ect.

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There are many places to listen to the song Drive By Train on the internet. You can listen to the song Drive by Train on YouTube, Idolator, Myspace, and sojo1049.

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Level 50. Don't train traded Pokemon past level 50 or they won't obey you.

Where can someone go to learn about how to train a puppy?

There are many online sources of information on how to train a puppy. Another option is to check out a book on the topic from your local library. Third, your local Human Society/ASPCA branch may be able to give you more information.

How do you train a puppy for a child that has autism?

you must bring somebody to train the dog for the child

How do I train a miniature Pincher puppy?

You can train your puppy like any other dog, but since it is a puppy and they like to have fun, try makeing training a game!(also try to train them at a young age, that way they have a better chance of being a good dog in the years to come).

How do you train a puppy to not run off?

Teach it to 'stay'.

How do you leash train a lab puppy?

Good Luck!

How do you teach my puppy not to run away?

train him to come

Where can you get more information on websites and dogs?

Popular places to take one's dog to train it are Petco and PetSmart. Dog Training Central, Animal Planet, Train My Dogs, and Dog Training Basics provide information about training one's dog as well.

Do you he to pay to train your puppy?

For someone else to teach you how to train it, train it a little bit, than yes. But, if you mean doing it by yourself, no.

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Train him well since puppy