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Q: How do you transfer your Nook books to your Kindle?
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How do you get books already bought for kindle on a nook?

You cannot directly transfer Kindle books to a Nook, as they use different file formats and are protected by DRM. However, you can use software like Calibre to convert the Kindle books to a compatible format for the Nook. Keep in mind that this may breach the terms of service of the books and is not always legal.

Is nook better or Kindle?

Kindle because you can get more books for free.

Can books from nook be read on kindle?


How do you transfer books from NOOK to?

You have to get the free nook app and buy the book. You can't transfer it.

Does Amazon sell Kindle or Nook devices?

Amazon sells the Kindle. The Nook is from Barnes and Noble. Both of them are dedicated eReaders, for use with digital books.

How do you transfer books from NOOK to iPad?

You have to get the free nook app and buy the book. You can't transfer it.

What is the difference between nook and kindle?

A nook and a kindle are the same thing that do the same things. HOWEVER... one has more than the other. If you are interested about the books rather than just the 3G features and games and such, the nook (by Barnes and Noble) has more than 2 million books available, some of them are even free. The Kindle (by Amazon) only has around 700,000. The kindle has free 3G everywhere you go that connects to the internet, but the nook has 3G for buying books in its store. The nook also has a lending feature so you can borrow or lend books that you buy, and even check out books from the library from the comfort of your couch.

Is it worth buying a kindle or nook or should you just read a plain old book?

Yes it is worth getting a nook or a kindle so you wont have a of books in your room.

What books does the nook have?

the nook offers z wide selection of books from barnes and nobles book catalog. you can also find free books from Google books. you can import pdfs, and other non drom epub books. also you can not import kindle books such as amzn, whichis amazons lock on kindle books. so the nook offers many books from scifi to thriller.

Is the Harry Potter series available on the Nook?

No, it is not on nook or kindle J.K. Rowling has not released her books in e-book form.

Does kindle or nook have comic books?

yes. i believe it has magaziens and newspapers, so it probably has comic books.

How do you share books in Kindle?

You can share books on different Kindles if they are registered on the same amazon account. If they are on the same account, all the books that can be shared are in the Archived Items on the home page. If they are not registered on the same account, you can switch the registration and download the books on the Kindle and then switch back to your own account.