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Pls translate 'vins et liqueurs, le patron mange içi, gratinée à toute heure'

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Q: How do you translate this French sentence?
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How can you translate an English sentence to a French sentence?

Use a French dictionary to translate each word or you can use an online translator.

Use translate in a sentence?

Will you translate my paper in French, please?

Can you give me a sentence with the word translate in?

I want to translate the meaning of bird from English to French.

What is a Sentence with the word translate?

Can you translate that into French, please?We will translate the manifesto into multiple languages.I will translate the book into English.

What does mettant means in french?

It depends. I need a sentence to translate.

Why is your computer typing french?

In which way is this an English to French question, are you asking to translate the whole sentence or are you asking a computer question?

Can you translate this - les faires soure les faires?

This sentence is not in French or it is not properly written. It doesn't mean anything.

How do you translate reborn into french?

If my French is correct then you translate it like 'renaît'.

What is 'were' in French?

The litteral translation is 'étaient' How you use it in a sentence determines the exact translation. For example the sentence 'we were late' would translate as 'Nous étions en retard'

What is the french sentence for she likes to go with her friends?

You can translate the sentence "She likes to go with her friends" by "elle aime sortir avec ses ami(e)s".

What is a sentence using the word translate?

I can translate the Christmas song 'Silent night' in sign language.Interpreters will translate the dignitary's speech.Good intentions do not always translate into effective actions.Here are three sentences using the word 'translate':"James is fluent in English and French and so can translate between the two languages.""Please will you translate this into German for me?""When I am older I would like to translate for the government."

Can you translate I am twelve and you in french?

J'ai douze ans et toi. The sentence makes little - if any - sense in English.