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I once heard that Vinegar will calm it, so when i got stung in the face while Surfing in Mexico, I used the mustard from the cooler box! Yes, it worked, calmed the sting and pain and slowly dissolved.

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Q: How do you treat Portuguese man o war?
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When was Portuguese Man o' War created?

Portuguese Man o' War was created in 1758.

What zone does the Portuguese man o' war live in?

The Portuguese man o' war lives in the Atlantic Ocean.

Where is the Portuguese man-of-war's mostly found?

The Portuguese Man o' War is Carribean.

What does a Portuguese man-o-war eat?

a Portuguese man of war eats small fish

Is the Portuguese man o war important?

The tentacles of a portuguese man o war can deliver a painful (and sometimes fatal) sting.

What is the portuguese man o war used for?

The tentacles of a portuguese man o war can deliver a painful (and sometimes fatal) sting.

What is the difference between Portuguese man-o-war and man-o-war?

they're the same species but it's more specific to call them portuguese.

Portuguese-man-o'-war is a kind of?


What is a Portuguese man-o-war?

It is a Physalia physalis.

How does the Portuguese Man o' War reproduse?

sexual and asexual

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portuguese man o war

Is the Portuguese Man o' War nocturnal or diurnal?
