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Q: How do you treat a Globular Maxillary cyst?
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NuvaRing will not cure or treat a ruptured cyst. Use of NuvaRing may prevent new ovarian cysts from occurring.

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globular proteins .

What is the plural of maxillary?

Maxillary is an adjective. It has no plural form.

Could a protein have what is called a globular shape?

Tritiory proteins are globular proteins. Every enzyme is a globular proteins.

What kind of doctor treats cystic fibrosis?

I had a nine inch ovarian cyst that ruptured. First I saw the ER doctor and then I was referred to a gynecologist. The gynecologist ordered an ultra sound and a couple other tests. Because of the size of the cyst and major blood loss the gyn removed the cyst.

How do you treat a cyst?

Normally, bartholin gland cysts aren't treated unless they are causing discomfort. If treatment is needed, the preferred treatment is known as marsupiallization. This is a minor office procedure that prevents the cyst from recurring. Opening and draining the cyst will provide relief, but it is often not long-lasting.

What is the purpose for maxillary teeth?

The Maxillary teeth in frogs hold prey.

What is a globular star made up of?

I suppose you confused the term "globular star cluster". It is the cluster (the group of stars) that is globular (approximately spherical). The term "globular" doesn't refer to the individual stars.

What teeth are the smallest and the weakest in the maxillary arch?

answer is B. the maxillary lateral incisors

Are there countless globular clusters in the universe?

Yes. There are countless globular clusters in the universe.