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First clean it the best you can I know it will hurt but you have to clean it so it does not get infected. After that wrap your finger up and protect it from germs with a cloth or over sized band aid. If you cut your finger on something like a car or something with a lot of germs go to the doctor and get it checked out. When your finger is infected it can have to get cut off witch you do not want.

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Q: How do you treat a cut on the finger tip near the nail?
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one this happened to me it hit my finger nail and it made a big crack on my finger nail and just today this happened it cut the tip of my finger nail and and the skin and it bledAnswer:it will cut your finger nail in a big crack in it and it will bleed

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i can cut a piece of paper with: nail clipers kife sharp pencil teeth finger nail glass and much more

I have fingertip pain in index finger?

Maybe your nail was cut to short and it caused your finger to have some skin taken off.

You cut your finger off just below the nail how long before it heals?

If a person cut off their finger below the nail, there is not a recorded time for how long the healing process may take. Depending on the injury, the wound may not fully heal aside from regrowth of skin. A doctor should be able to advise more about this based on the severity of the cut.

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I heard she was cooking for Chris the night before and cut her finger!

If bitten by a venomous critter in the finger would it help to immediately cut said finger off?

No. You can't cut your fiinger faster than the poison spreads a little with the help of the circulatory system. Emergency rooms are well prepared to treat poisonous bites.

Band saw injury I cut my pinky from the tip about 2cm down the skin was still intact and the nail was cut as well will I loose my tip of the pinky?

Unless somebody can actually see your finger they cannot make any judgement about it

How can you develop a magnet?

Electric current in a coil can induce magnetism in an iron nail,place near the coil.when the electric current is cut off the magnetism in the iron nail disappears.the magnetism in the nail exist so long as there is electric current in the coil.this is an electromagnet.

Can you cut a rabbits nail with a nail clipper?

Yes you SHOULD being careful not to cut into the qwik (pink colored part of nail). See the related question below for details about how to cut a rabbit's nails.

How do you treat split nails?

you can buy this nail polish stuff at a locial store (walmart, united, ect...) and you put it on you cut (broken nail) and then place a bandade on it. then you do the steps contuisley ( onece every half hour) and then you are good to go in about three days

How does bacteria enter a cut finger?

you might get bacteria with the object you used to cut your finger. the object may be dirty which has full of bacteria and then enters your cut. or when you have cut your finger you may have touched something dirty with lots of bacteria.