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Q: How do you treat a guinea pig that has had too much spinach?
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How much watermelon should a guinea pig eat?

Too much watermelon is bad for a guinea pig. It's best saved as a treat.

Can you feed your guinea pig kale?

yes.kale is a good treat for your guinea pig.

What can you give your guinea pig as a treat?

Yogurt mine loves it so much :)

What should you feed your guinea pig?

Guinea pig food is the best option if in doubt. Also add fresh greens as a treat.

How do you carry out a specific learning behavior in a guinea pig?

Train your guinea pig every day, and when it does something right, feed it a treat.

How do you treat the flu for guinea pigs?

Take your guinea pig to the vet if something seems wrong...

How can you have fun with your guinea pig?

You can take your guinea pig outside they love that. Just make sure you don't let them eat any exotic plants. They can nibble on grass though. You can also lay on your back on the ground and put a treat on your stomach and see if your guinea pig crawls on you to get it. Another game is to put three plastic Easter eggs in front of your guinea pig. Put a treat in one of the eggs and see if your guinea pig can guess which one has the treat in it. Be creative there is tons of thing you can do.

What to do when your guinea pig has diarrea?

If your guinea pig had diarrea once, then check what it has been eating. maby he/she eat some fruits that a guinea pig can not eat. If you can't find out why this has happend, the best thing to do is to take your guinea pig to the vet. Our vet will tell you why this is happening and treat it.

What is the ideal guinea pig diet?

I feed my guinea pigs normal guinea pig food from the pet store, but for a little variety i give them letups, carrots and apples for a treat.

What is the best trick to teach a guinea pig?

A really good trick to teach your guinea pig is how to go around in a circle for a treat. To teach them at first you should pick a type of food or treat that your guinea pig likes that you think they will be willing to do a trick for. At first you'll have to take the treat and hold it and make sure you have the guinea pigs attention and then start by moving the treat around the guinea pig so that it can follow the treat in a circle ,after they make a circle reward them with the treat so that they know they will be rewarded after they do that , keep doing that every once in a while so then after a while all you'll have to do is make a circle with the treat in the air, and they will know to turn to earn the treat offered.

Can guinea pig eat cilantro?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat cilantro but it should be given as treat and not as their major source of food. Cilantro offers vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to your guinea pig.

Can you give a guinea pig a lime?

No,it is too much acidic.So,they are bad for Guinea pig.