

How do you treat a torn extensor digitorum longus tendon?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: How do you treat a torn extensor digitorum longus tendon?
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The most common surgery is tendon lengthening to treat equinus. In this procedure, the Achilles tendon is cut and the leg is placed in a cast in a more normal position.

How can I treat my injured Achilles tendon?

The best way to treat the Achilles tendon is to relax your muscle, be sure to stretch before you start running, and if you have time you should strengthen your calf muscles with exercises such as toe raises etc.

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If the tendon was damaged due to a cut, stitches may be required both to repair the tendon and to adequately close the wound.

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The tendon connects muscles to bones, allowing for movement of joints. Injuries to tendons can result in limited mobility and pain. Rehabilitation exercises and rest are commonly used to treat tendon injuries.

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Grade 1 and 2 muscle tears would be treating with relative rest, ice, compression and elevation for the first 24-48 hours, or until the inflammation period has finished. Signs of inflammation include redness, swelling, pain, increased skin temperature in comparison to other parts. Then once the inflammation phase is complete, treat with heat and massage.

What do you call an injury to the body of the muscle or attachment of the tendon?

An injury to the body of the muscle or attachment of the tendon is known as a strain. To treat a strain, the affected limb should be elevated and a cold compress applied to the area.

What is the best remedy for a sore Achilles tendon?

Wear those shoes that help you to deal with Achilles pain. Try stretching your Achilles tendon to fasten healing process and getting relieved from pain. Also, rest your ankle and put some ice to so that the swelling and pain in reduced.

How do I make sure I do not inflame my Achilles tendon?

I would recommend that you go see a podiatrist. If you are already having problems this is probably your best bet. These doctors can address the issue, tell you what is causing it and possibly treat it.

What is used to treat contractures?

Range of motion (ROM) exercises help to prevent contracture. Chemicals can be used to prevent contractures. Contractures can be released by cutting the shortened tendon or transferring it surgically to a different site on the bone.

How can joggers avoid or treat pain in Achilles tendon?

You can do ankle mobilization exercises and ice it to help. This will help a lot along with proper rest, and proper warm up and cool downs. If you do these things, you should be just fine.

How do you treat a tear or injury to the extensor reticulum in the wrist?

depends: extend of injury acute / chronic, age of injury, and age of person if this is an acute tear without subluxation or bowstringing of the tendons then you can treat with a splint - wrist will be in neutral position if it's subluxing or bowstringing with extention of the wrist then you can try a splint and if no better then surgically suture the tear and splint. if this goes untreated then you can lose range of motion hope this helps

What is an Achilles tear and how do I treat it?

An Achilles tear, or more commonly know as a rupture, is when the tendon connecting your calf to your heel tears or ruptures. This can be a full tear which may require surgery, or a minor tear that can be treated nonsurgical. Go here for more info on treatment