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Cure for Porokeratosis (plugged sweat glands in the feet)

I had several of these treated by a podiatrist over a year ago, who cut them out with a scalpel & made padded insoles for my work shoes. He told me to put cooking oil on my feet 1-2x per day to prevent them from coming back, at least before bed. After many ruined sheets (the oil soaks right through even thick socks), I stopped doing this except when my feet felt especially dry or when I happened to think of it. I threw away my shoes without remembering to take out the insoles & the plugged sweat glands came back a few months ago.

I tried finding a cure on the internet & was going to head back to pay another $300 at the doctor, but then I read at this site:

>>>Why they even develop is still a mystery. The best guess is they are a special type of callus. In fact they seem to develop in calluses. They are called plugged sweat ducts because of the mistaken notion that an underlying sweat duct must be plugged.<<<

So I began treating them like a callus. I have very dry hands (Kansas weather) & the ONLY emollient that helps is Cetaphil (cream NOT lotion). I have to put it on my hands every night before bed or my hands get so dry, they crack & bleed. It's kind of expensive if you can't find the generic kind, but it is so worth it b/c it takes such a small amt, just enough to cover the dry spots. It feels kind of greasy though & I have to wash my hands a lot for work, so I only do it before bed. I started putting the lotion on my feet & in a week the plugged sweat glands were GONE! I have done this every night for months, they have never come back. It's very important to put the cream on EVERY night. I'm not saying they will come back if just one night is missed, but it needs to become routine or else I'll get out of the habit & the painful little things will come back. Hope that helps!

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Q: How do you treat plugged sweat glands on feet?
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How many sweat glands are in your feet?

There are 250,000 sweat glands in a pair of feet.

What are the similarities and differences between apocrine sweat glands and eccrine sweat glands?

Eccrine and apocrine sweat glands are both referred to as sudoriferous glands. The eccrine glands are found all over the body and function throughout your life. Apocrine glands develop during puberty and are most active throughout adulthood and are located in the armpits, areolar, genital, and anal areas. They are also the ones responsible for what we refer to as body odor. It is not the sweat that actually has to odor, but the bacteria that it attracts excretes its wastes as it digests the sweat. It is the bacteria's waste products that actually have the odor. So, you could say, you do not have body odor. Instead, you have bacteria odor.

What part of the heat liberating apparatus of the body?

Part of the heat liberating apparatus of the body is the eccrine sweat gland. Eccrine sweat glands are found in the skin, mostly on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.

Does foot fungus eat your foot?

Our feet stink because of germs and sweat, although exsist some types of feet sweat smell, which does not stink.

Why do men like to lick women's feet?

Because female feet (if taken good care for) smell like female pheromones which is very attractive smell for men. Feet have millions sweat glands each of them produces sweat laced with pheromones. It is (almost) odorless; the "feet" smell is actually produced by bacteria growing in the wet shoe environment. Clean feet do not smell. On the other hand feet have millions of nerve receptors and for most women are erogenous zone. Some women like when a man gently bites soles, some like when a man slides his tongue between her toes.

Related questions

How many sweat glands are in your feet?

There are 250,000 sweat glands in a pair of feet.

What do you have a quarter of a million of on your feet?

You have about a quarter million sweat glands on your feet.

What areas of the body have a high density of sweat glands?

Sweat glands are present in the skin all over the body. However, the areas of the body that have a high density of sweat glands are the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.

Do cats have sweat glands?

Mice do not have sweat glands, so no they do not sweat. They cool off by dilating the blood vessels in their tail and ears and slow metabolism.

What body areas have the highest density of sweat glands?

Sweat glands are distributed over the entire skin surface except the nipples and parts of the external genitalia. There are up to 3 million of them per person. There are two types of sweat grands: eccrine and apocrine.Eccrine sweat glands, also called merocrine sweat glands, are far more numerous and are particularly abundant on the palms, soles of the feet, and forehead.Apocrine sweat glands, approximately 2000 of them are largely confined to the axillary and anogenital areas.

Where the highest concentration of merocrine sweat glands would be found?

Palms of hands and soles of feet.

What part of the body has a high density of sweat glands?

The palms of the hands, forehead, and soles of feet.

Where are the most sweat glands?

Sweat glands are found in almost every part of the skin, forming tiny coiled tubes embedded in the dermis or subcutaneous fat. There are two types of sweat gland: eccrine glands and apocrine glands.

Which other body areas would if tested prove high density of sweat glands?

Other body areas with high density of sweat glands include the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet, and the forehead. These areas are known for having a high concentration of eccrine sweat glands, which are responsible for controlling body temperature through sweat production.

Does the bottom of your feet have pores?

Yes, the bottom of your feet, which is called the soles, has about 2000 pores. This is why your feet are able to sweat. However, soles do not have sebaceous glands.

What causes sweaty feet?

During puberty your oil glands and sweat glands are more active so it causes them to be more sweaty :/ Hope I helped! :)

What attracts bugs?

sweat attracts bacteria especially in the feet where it has over 250,000 sweat glands, they are attracted to warm places.