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Neosporine ointment or neosporine cream. The skin will scab and fall off like a wound would.

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Q: How do you treat rubbing alcohol burns on the skin?
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get rubbing acohal and poor it on the wound.

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Is acetone a rubbing alcohol?

NO - acetone is not good for your skin !

Are hand sanitizers containing rubbing alcohol toxic to the human body?

Applying rubbing alcohol to the skin is not toxic or dangerous. Rubbing alcohol however should under no circumstances be drunk.

How do you dissolve ECG pad adhesive on your skin?

Use rubbing alcohol or an alcohol prep swab.

Can one use rubbing alcohol for skin discoloration?

No. It will not work and may just irritate the skin.

Why does rubbing alcohol evaporate so quickly on your skin?

Rubbing alcohol evaporates so quickly on skin because your skin is pretty warm and rubbing alcohol has a higher vapor pressure (and lower boiling point) compared to water. It is known as a volatile solvent because it evaporates easily.

Is there other uses for thermazene cream beside burns?

The only other use for Thermazene cream is to treat skin ulcers. It is mostly used to treat burns on the outer areas of the skin.

Why is rubbing alcohol cooler on your skin than water?

because it evapurates on the skin faster and it cools down

Does using rubbing alcohol on the skin for pain cause a reaction for Alcoholics?

No, it should not.

What to use to remove gunpowder on skin?

rubbing alcohol and nail polish remover

Facts about alcohol?

Rubbing alcohol is known as isopropyl alcohol (C 3H 8O); it is one of the more useful of the commercial alcohols, included in hand lotions and many cosmetic items as well as in antifreeze or deicer products. A 70 percent solution has more germicidal properties than does ETHANOL (drinking alcohol), so it is used in many health-care situations, both in households and in medical facilities. It is also used for massages and by athletic trainers to treat skin and muscle groups, hence the term rubbing. It has a drying effect on the skin and causes blood vessels to dilate; its distinctive odor is associated with doctor's offices, since it is used to clean the skin being prepared for an injection.