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give alpha-blocker (e.g. phentolamine, prazosin)

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Q: How do you treat the cheese reaction caused by MAOIs?
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Is it ok to feed your puppy cheese as a treat when you train her?

Cheese is a very good training treat. Because of the strong smell it gets dogs excited about working. I wouldn't suggest using cheese as the only training treat though. I would save cheese as a special treat such as a reward for a younger dog when they come when called.

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How do MAOIs work?

Stopping an enzyme called monoamine oxidase from working. These break down things known as monoamines (dopamine, serotonin, noradrenaline) so by blocking them you raise levels of these monoamines especially in the brain, used to treat depression. However by blocking the endogenous enzymes, you can't eat too much of a monoamine called tyramine (found in beer, cheese, wine etc) otherwise you get the 'cheese effect', where you have a medical emergency known as a hypertensive crisis forming. For this reason, MAOIs are being phased out except for certain types of atypical depression in the UK, being replaced by SSRIs and SNRIs that are much more selective.

Can you give your lab cheese to eat as a treat?

depends what you did to it

Should hamsters be eating cheese?

They could, as a treat, but unless you want a fat hamster, don't give them it as a main course. Cheese is a good once-in-a-while treat! :)

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