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They get their water from moisture that condenses on the leaves (dew) they only need small amounts to survive. Additionally, rainwater collects in some leaves like tiny pools.

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Q: How do you tree frog make sure that their young get enough water when they live up in trees?
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How Is It Good For The Young And The Adult Of A Frog To Live In Different Surroundings?

Frog spawn has to be laid in water. The hatching tadpoles need to remain in water until they turn into a young frog. Then the frog can leave the water and will spend most of their time resting in dark, damp areas under large stones, etc.

What is an ampibian?

An amphibian is a type of animal that lives in the water when its young and lives on land when its an adult (e.g a frog) An amphibian is a type of animal that lives in the water when its young and lives on land when its an adult (e.g a frog)

How deep does water need to be for frogs?

If your frog is a completely aquatic frog, the water should be deep enough to swim around in, like a regular fish. But if your frog is a half land half water frog, the water shouldn't be TOO deep. It should be shallow enough to let your frog's head break the surface, and you need to have sticks or ridges to help your frog get out of the water.

What adaptation does a young baby frog have for breathing air?

A young baby frog is a tadpole. A tadpole is adapted to live in water. For breathing, it has gills, which helps it remain inside water until it grows up to become a frog. Gill are breathing organs of fish also, and the mode of living of a tadpole is similar to that of a fish. When it becomes a frog, it is capable of breathing both in air and in water. For breathing in air, a frog develops lungs and for breathing inside water the skin is used.

What does a frog have between its toesWhat are they used for?

A Frog has webbing between its toes. The webbing helps frogs glide through the water and also acts as suction cups when climbing trees. The webbing is also like a parachute when frogs jump from trees.

Can newts climb trees?

no newts cannot climb trees because they have slimy and slippery legs. but there is a frog which is called a frog tree which actually can climb trees.

Does a poison dart frog care for its young?

They carry their newly hatched tadpoles into the canopy; the tadpoles stick to the mucus on the back of their parents. Once in the upper reaches of the rainforest trees the parents deposit their young in the pools of water that accumulate in Epiphyticplants such as Bromeliads. The tadpoles feed on invertebrates in their arboreal nursery and their mother will even supplement their by depositing eggs into the water.

What is a tree frog?

A Tree Frog is a Amphibian that lives most of its life in trees.

Where can the yellow banded tree frog live?

In purple trees

What isYoung frog?

A tadpole is a young frog that has yet to develop into an adult frog.

What does a frog have that a dog does not have?

frogs live in water and toads live in trees

What is the young ones of frog and silkworm?

Frog, egg - tadpole. Silkworm IS the young of the Silk Moth.