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by 'hoof flares' i assume you mean feather on the legs.

you use a pair of blunt ended scissors and carefully cutting away excess hair.

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Q: How do you trim horse hoof flares?
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When do horseshoes have to be changed?

Your farrier will need to take them off of the horse every 6 to 8 weeks so that he can trim and clean the hoof.

How do you hang a horse shoe?

A farrier or horseshoer will trim the feet, then size and shape the shoe before using horseshoe nails or a special glue to apply them to the horse's foot.

What do you do when a horse has a spilt hoove?

If a horses hoof splits open (Called a crack.) you should call a farrier and have him come out to trim and repair the hoof. It will likely take weeks and maybe even months for the hoof to grow out properly and it must be cared for properly.

What does a farrier do besides shoeing horses?

farriers shoe horses, remove shoes, trim their feet, can tell you about some hoof diseases, etc.

What do farriers use hoof cutters for?

A hoof parer is a small instrument similar to a potato peeler with a much sturdier blade. This is used to trim the frog when needed, to shape and hollow out the sole and to investigate weak points in the sole.

What does it mean if horses hoof absesses?

The horse's hoof has an infection. Do not ride the horse but call your farrier.

What is the bottom of a horses hoof called?

If you didn't notice, there was a question that had already been asked and answered, the exact same thing, but with a ' in horses, making it horse's. It should be the same thing, if it's not...oh well, someone will either improve it or will improve this.

What is a black horn on a horse's hoof?

Black horn is the dark pigmented hoof, whereas, a white horn is the light colored hoof. Where a horse has white socks, the hoof will be white also.

What is a horse foot call?

A horse's foot is called a hoof. The plural (or when referring to all feet) is hooves.

Does an horse have frogs on their feet?

The horse does have a frog on their hoof except it is not the real animal. It is a part of their body/hoof.

What is a Grazing hoof on a horse?

A graze just above a horses hoof.