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Q: How do you turn haedset off on assurance wireless phone?
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How do you activate your Assurance Wireless Phone?

When you turn the phone on it should say activate in the bottom right corner. Press the top right button underneith the screen to activate. Follow the steps given which are simple to use. Make sure you are doing so in an area you have service. Hope this helps.

Why do you have to turn off your cell phone on a plane?

The cell phone emits a wireless radio/magnetic signal that interferes with the navigation equipment onboard the plane.

Who sings the song in the new Verizon Wireless commercial for the razor droid phone?

Hesta Prynn - Turn it gold (Idoz Remix)

How do you turn off the annoying Verizon Wireless voice every time you make or receive a call on a Samsung phone?

Go to Settings and Tools. From there, choose Sounds, then Service Alerts, and select ERI. Turn that option off, and you should no longer hear "Verizon Wireless".

How do you get your phone to receive internet through wireless internet and not your phone service provider?

Assuming you have a wireless network wherever you are, you need to go into your phone's settings and switch on the wi-fi toggle or option. Once that is done, you just select the network you want to connect to and enter the password if applicable.

How can you make sure that a Samsung Galaxy Tab3 is using wireless access only?

To make sure that your Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 is wireless access only, go to the phone settings and turn off the 4G.

How do I setup a wireless phone number for my business?

There are two ways to go about this. They have phones that you have on a person 24/7. Then they have the in store phones that have a base and a receiver. All you have to do is call your phone company and tell them to turn on the power to your store. You can buy decent wireless phones from a Wal-Mart, CVS, or any place that sells electronics. Then you can plug the base up to the wall jack. You should be able to send and receive calls from your wireless phone.

How do you turn on wireless on my PC laptop my wireless button is broken?

go into hardware settings their should be an turn of\on option. device manege, click on network cards, and then chose your wireless adapter. their should be something like turn of \turn on option.

Can you turn the 3ds off when wireless?

Yes you can turn the 3ds Off when wireless but if your playing online people may not like it.

Sometimes the light indicator on my Compaq turns blue which means wireless is on even though I have wireless set off. Can someone remotely turn wireless on and access my computer?

No. I have a compaq and when the computer is turned on, the wireless will turn on no matter what position the on/off switch is in. If you want to turn it off, you must turn the switch to the on position, and then back to the off position.

How does the wireless internet work?

how do i turn my wireless radio on and connect to the web when i am out and about. at a friends for example

How do you turn a wireless mouse receiver into a usb flashdrive?

You can't. - Currently, it is impossible to turn a wireless mouse receiver into a USB Flash drive.