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You press it again.

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14y ago

Press "Caps Lock" to lock or unlock

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11y ago

you have to click it a second time

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Q: How do you turn off the caps button?
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How do you change from all caps to no caps on an I phone?

To turn on caps-lock, double-tap the shift button (up arrow). To turn caps-lock off, just tap the shift button once.

How do you type in caps on the iphone?

You can turn on all caps by going to Settings>General>Keyboard>and turning on Enable Caps Lock. Then you just double tap the Caps button on the keyboard and press it again to turn it off.


If you want to turn CAPS LOCK off, you press the button on the left hand side of the keyboard above shift and crtl. Hope this helps :)

WHY DO I HAVE to turn of my caps lock?

You dont have to turn it off.

How do you reverse the caps lock button?

On the left of your keyboard, left of the 'a' key, there is a button that says 'CAPS LOCK'. Press this button, and YOUR WORDS WILL APPEAR LIKE THIS. However, it does not allow you to use <,>,?,:,",!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,(,), etc. Only shift will allow that.

What do you do if the caps lock on my hp 630 is always on?

If it is on when the PC starts, then you may have to tell the BIOS to stop doing this, otherwise just press it to turn it off. If you are unable to turn it off or it turns on by itself, then maybe the button is faulty.

Do guys find cute girls who wear baseball caps a turn off or a turn on?

turn off

How do you turn capslock off?

To turn caps lock on, you press the caps lock key on your keyboard. To turn it off, you press the caps lock key again.You can also use the windows key and the S key pressed simultaneously on certain keyboards to turn caps lock off and on.

How do you get your computer to stop typing capitals?

your joking you wrote the question not in capitals. anyway look for a button on your keyboard that says caps lock and give it a big push and it should be fixed

What should you do if your lg chocolate touch is on auto caps?

turn it off auto caps..

How do you turn off airbag on laguna?

turn the off button.

How do you turn off the hold button?

By turning off the hold button