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They need to be supplied with a charge. You can light them by placing a redstone torch on an adjacent block, or you could link them with redstone dust to a lever, the level will provide a charge when 'on' and light the lamp.

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Q: How do you turn on redstone lamps in minecraft?
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How do you make lamps that turn on at night in Minecraft?

You could hook up Redstone lamps to daylight sensors.

How do you make redstone lamp on minecraft?

Redstone Lamps are made using the following recipe. r = redstone dust g = glowstone block [ ][r][ ] [r][g][r] [ ][r][ ]

How do you get redstone on Minecraft?

You mine it from redstone ore.

What do you use when im getting redstone in minecraft?

You need an iron pickaxe to get redstone in Minecraft.

How do you turn off redstone torches in minecraft?

u get a redstone trail connected to it and a lever/button/pushplate an then step on the push plate/push the button/pull the lever and it will turn off.

How do you make redstone dust in minecraft?

You have to mine redstone ore.

Are there redstone blocks on Minecraft PS3?

As of 06/29/14, there are no Redstone Blocks in the PS3 version of Minecraft.

Can redstone activate wooden doors in Minecraft?

Yes, redstone can activate any type of door in minecraft :)

Why can't i make a redstone block on minecraft?

Redstone Blocks now exist in Minecraft 1.5. You can make them by combining nine redstone dust on the crafting table.

What do you mine redstone with in Minecraft?

You can mine redstone with an Iron, Gold or Diamond pickaxe.

Why are your minecraft seeds disapearring?

If this is happening after being place, it could possibly be due to not enough light. Add torches/glowstone/redstone lamps and they should stay planted and then grow.

What layer is redstone found on in Minecraft?

Redstone Ore veins are found below layer 16. veins are most common on layer 8. There are 25 ores per chunk on average.Sources: Redstone Ore - Minecraft WikiOre - Minecraft Wiki