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You can scoop as much as you can, then remove the toilet from the base. Using a shop vac would likely also pull sewer material up, too, so you need to push it through. Most probably the best idea is to hire a plumber to come and clear the problem. ANSWER: You dumped sand down your toilet?!? You deserve to have it clogged....honestly! You also deserve to have to pay for a plumber to come fix your poor decison. Besides, plumbers need a good laugh now and then.

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10y ago

The best thing would be to take the toilet loose and clean it out so the sand didn't go down the drain. If you don't want to do that, clean out as much as you can by hand or use a wet/dry vac to suck out what is in the trap of the toilet and then run a snake in it to break up the plug and flush repeatedly. Once it is opened up, fill a 5 gallon bucket with water and pour it in as fast as it will take it without running over. This should flush out the sand and get it to the drain and eventually worked out of the pipe.

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