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Here is what I did: I had went to the stat panel and went around all panels (Aspirtions, Hotel Info, Skills, and Game stats) and then click backed to the skills. Now you have to Click on the symbols of all the skills (Artist Palette, Money sign, The Body, Smiley Face, and Axle) and click out of it. Now leave the stat panel and a blue box should come up and say "Congratulations! You have unlocked a new outfit for your sim!) Now go to the dresser and go to the full outfits and there you will find Ava Cadavra's outfit!

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Q: How do you unlock ava cadavras outfit on DS sims 2?
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I don't think so... I have only heard that you can unlock Momma Hogg's outfit & Ava Cadavra's outfit. I have unlocked Ava's, but I can't figure out how to unlocke Momma Hogg's. But I know you can.

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Well, the real way to get Ava's otfit .-> First of all, start a new game, then, when you're creating, you choose the sim's gender as Female .-> Choose the female sim's aspiration as popularity.-> Beat the game, if you don't beat it, you won't get ava's outfit.-> After you beat the game, improve your popularity aspiration, keep cheering up people around town and check your aspiration level at the stat panel at your room.-> When you get max in popularity aspiration, you will receive a message saying that you unlocked a new outfit.Yaay.¬¬Buy a closet and you will have it.I know it's not easy to unlock but It works.Oh and actually, I don't know how to unlock Mamma Hogg's outfit.Sorry, but I hope you enjoy your Ava's outfit.DDD;

How do you replace ava's lipstick sims 2 ds?

You can not replace Ava's lipstick, as that would involve downloading Custom Content, which you can not do with the DS game.

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The mystic cowbell in the sims 2 for the ds is in the cowfield. Just walk up to one and steal it. On Sims 2, just go to the cow feild and take the cowbell of one of the cows! Sims 2 - once Ava asks for it go to the field with 2 cows and one bull. On one of the cows choose Take Bell. Go back to Ava in the shrine and click Whats Up? for next mission.

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Ava Lange's birth name is Jessica Ava Lange.

What is the birth name of Ava June?

Ava June's birth name is Ava June Wiggins.