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Defeat the rockets atop ice fall cave for the first. Get to the bottom of dotted hole to receive the second form the man that appears and takes the sapphire.

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Q: How do you unlock the password door in fiveisland on firered?
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How do you unlock the door in silph corp in Pokemon FireRed?

I think with cut!!!

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What is the password in the dotted hole on FireRed?

Answer:Have a Pokemon use the HM move Cut on the door.

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ok first u must go to the island were you here the to rocket members talking to get the first password then go to the rocket hideout they talk about and use cut on the door to get the second password

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The Pokemon that can be found in the Pokemon Mansion in Pokemon FireRed are Rattata, Raticate, Grimer, Muk, Growlithe, Koffing, Weezing and Ditto and you will also be able to find the key that will unlock the door to the Cinnabar Gym.

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the answer is : MADMAN but you have to give your answer in numbers, according to the alphabet A = 1 ; B = 2 ; C = 3 etc . (:

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Keyless door locks use a different technology to open your door. You can still use your regular key, or you can use an entry pad to unlock your door. You use a password made of numbers to unlock your door. These options can be found for multiple types of doors, including deadbolts, doorknobs, handles etc. Here is a link to tell you more:

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the input password is :password

How to open the door at dotted hole in firered?

use cut on the front of the door.

How do I unlock passenger door with the remote on a VW Beetle?

you hit the unlock door button twice.