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For really stubborn stuck caps try the following methods.

For the first method you need a square inch of soft rubber like that from an inner tube of a Tyre and two pairs of pliers or mole grips. Wrap the soft inner tube rubber around valve below the cap then grab a firm hold onto the rubber wrapped valve with one of the pliers or mole grips. (The rubber helps with the grip and minimizes the chances of damaging the valve) Now take your second pair of pliers and attempt to unscrew the cap. It sometimes helps to get a friend to work one pair of pliers.

More stubborn are the aluminum Caps. These can almost weld themselves to the valve. If this is the case you may be able to remove these by cutting a grove down the sides of the cap then using a screwdriver try pry open the gap. Aluminum a very soft metal and can be manipulated quite easily. Unless great care is taken damage to the valve is likely so this method should only be used as a last resort.

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Q: How do you untighten stuck car tire air caps that are?
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Air rushes out because it is under pressure. Once there is no longer any pressure in the tire the air will stop flowing out. However there is still air in the tire it is just equal to the pressure outside.

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When it is needed.The tire inflates when air is pumped in

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Air leaves a tire when the valve is opened due to the pressure difference. Since the tire has more pressure than the air outside, the tire air will escape until the pressure equalizes.

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Yes there most certainty is a limit to the amount of air that can be pumped into a bicycle tire. Put too much air in the tire and it will explode. The maximum air pressure for the tire is listed on the sidewall of the tire.

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Air leaves a tire when the tire valve is open due to the pressure. The pressure outside of the tire is lower than the pressure inside the tire.

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In short, yes the air does rotate. You're wondering if one molecule of air at the top of the inside of the tire will stay stationary when the tire is moving, basically. Because of the high PSI in a tire, the air molecules are packed together and do not have anywhere to go. When the tire spins, the air doesn't have anywhere else to go, so it starts spinning with the tire.

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Air pressure is a measure of how much air is in a tire, or how much it is inflated. Air pressures are written on apanel on driver door frame and on tire sidewall. they are very important to tire wear.