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By using them While waring the touch glove, And No, There are not cheats to increase you level faster either.

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Q: How do you upgrade the milker and clippers on Harvest Moon DS Cute?
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In harvest moon ds cute how do you upgrade the milker?

You can't upgrade your milker. The size of your milk determines on how fast you milk your cow. Then, there are different levels of your milker. you copy and paste this site, it shows pretty much anything you need to know about harvest moon ds cute

Where is the milker in Harvest Moon DS Cute?

You purchase it over the phone from 'Siabara Black Smith'. You can also get the Brush, Sheers and Bell from them.

Can you upgrade the house where it has an upstairs on hm ds cute?

You can never get a second story house in Harvest Moon DS Cute.

In harvest moon ds cute do you get the double bed atomaticaly?

no you must buy it after 2 house upgrade on the shopping channel.

How do you get 100 milk bottles at once in harvest moon ds cute?

This stinks sorry You have to have a level 100 Milker I KNOW I KNOW it stinks I'm on level three and I'm married with a almost full grown kid.

How do you upgrade your house in harvest moon cute?

Ok first you have to order the small coffee table from TV shopping. Then you can up-grade your house!

How do you uprgrade your house for the first time on Harvest Moon Ds Cute?

You must own a table, then call up Gots and the house upgrade will be available.

How many children can you have on harvest moon cute?

On Harvest Moon D.S. Cute you only have ONE.

How can you be a boy on Harvest Moon DS Cute?

You can only be a girl in Harvest Moon DS Cute

How do you get a rabbit on harvest moon ds cute?

You cannot get a rabbit in Harvest Moon DS Cute.

Harvest moon ds cute can you upgrade the cottage?

If you mean the cottage on that Island, no, however, if you mean otherwise I don't know! I only have Harvest Moon DS (the boy version) so sorry to disappoint folks. However, if you mean the cottage which you get on the island that you buy when Thomas asks you if you want it, then no you cannot upgrade it!Hope it helped ^_^

How do you get a house upgrade in harvest moon ds cute?

You must have 1.Channel 2 unlocked 2.Items From the T.V. shopping thing 3.And either lots of money or lots of stone Then call up gotz and click on upgrade