

Harvest Moon (video game)

This category is for the video game Harvest Moon. It is for PC, DS, and PSP.

3,380 Questions

How do you buy ground on the moon?

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Currently, there is no legal framework in place for individuals to purchase or own land on the moon. The Outer Space Treaty, signed by over 100 countries, prohibits any nation from claiming sovereignty over celestial bodies. As a result, any claims of buying land on the moon are not recognized under international law.

What buildings can you see from the moon?

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From the Moon, you cannot see any specific buildings on Earth with the naked eye. The distance between the Moon and Earth is about 384,400 kilometers (238,855 miles), which is too far to distinguish individual buildings or structures. Only large man-made structures like cities or continents might be visible from the Moon.

What did the moon look like on Monday?

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The appearance of the moon on Monday may vary depending on its phase. It could have been a crescent, half, gibbous, or full moon. You can check a moon phase calendar or app to see the specific phase of the moon on a particular date.

Where is shiitake mushroom grown?

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Shiitake mushrooms are typically grown in forests, particularly on logs or sawdust. They are native to East Asia, including countries like Japan, China, and Korea. However, they are also cultivated in various other regions around the world.

How do you unlock the meadow on harvest moon island of happiness?

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To unlock the meadow on Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness, you'll need to raise your Friendship Points (FP) with the island residents. This can be done by interacting with them daily, giving them gifts they like, and participating in festivals. Once you have a high enough FP with the residents, you'll unlock new areas, including the meadow.

How do you unlock the meadow in harvest moon island of happiness?

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To unlock the meadow in Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness, you need to trigger the event where Regis arrives on the island. This event usually occurs during your second or third year on the island. Make sure you have at least 10 villagers living on the island before he arrives. Once he does, visit the beach at 7:00 am on a sunny day to find him. Speak to Regis to unlock the meadow area on the island.

How are grasshoppers getting into your 3rd floor flat?

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Grasshoppers are likely entering through open windows or doors, or through cracks in the walls or floors. They can also hitch a ride on clothing or objects brought in from outside. Making sure windows and doors are properly sealed and closing them when not in use can help prevent grasshoppers from entering.

What theory did galen get right?

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Galen, a prominent Greek physician in the Roman Empire, made significant contributions to the understanding of anatomy and physiology. Some of his correct theories include identifying the importance of the brain in controlling movement and recognizing the role of arteries in carrying blood, although his explanations were not entirely accurate by modern standards.

Was Marie currie the first physicist?

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Marie Curie was not the first physicist, but she was a pioneering physicist and chemist known for her groundbreaking research on radioactivity. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the only person to win Nobel Prizes in two different scientific fields (Physics and Chemistry).

How do you use the fireworks on harvest moon another wonderful life?

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To use the fireworks in Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life, you need to purchase them from Van on the Van's Store on the 3rd of Summer. Then on the night of the Firefly Festival, which occurs on the 7th of Summer, go to the beach and use the fireworks by pressing the A button when standing on the pier to set them off. This will trigger a cutscene showing the fireworks display.

How do you ask a girl out to the fireworks In haverst moon ds?

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To ask a girl out to the fireworks festival in Harvest Moon DS, talk to the girl you want to invite on the 29th of Summer in the Town Square. Choose the option to ask her to the festival, and if she accepts, meet her there on the night of the 31st.

Can you use treated lumber for horse shed posts?

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Yes, treated lumber can be used for horse shed posts to protect them from rot, decay, and insect damage. Make sure to use the correct type of treated lumber that is safe for animals and properly installed to prevent any potential health hazards to the horses. Regularly inspect the posts to ensure their structural integrity and safety for the horses.

Are any trees don't burn?

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While all trees are combustible, certain tree species such as redwoods and cedars are more fire-resistant due to their thick bark and high water content. However, no tree is completely fireproof, as intense fires can still cause damage or even destroy them.

When were the first fireworks invented?

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The first documented use of fireworks dates back to 7th century China during the Tang Dynasty. Developed using a combination of incendiary powder inside bamboo shoots, the Chinese used these early fireworks for entertainment and celebrations.

How do religions celebrate harvest?

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Many religions celebrate harvest through festivals, ceremonies, and prayers to show gratitude for the abundance of food and resources. These celebrations often involve sharing food with the community, giving thanks to the divine for the blessings of the harvest, and participating in rituals that honor the earth and agricultural traditions.

How do you get the aging pot in harvest moon magical melody?

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To acquire the aging pot in Harvest Moon: Magical Melody, you need to be in the third year of the game. At this point, visit Woody's Carpentry shop on rainy days and purchase the level 3 house upgrade. Once you have the upgraded house, you will receive the aging pot as a gift from Woody.

What do you do with a book in harvest moon friends of mineral town?

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You can read books to increase your character's skills or give them as gifts to other characters in the game.

When do you see the blue bird on Tree of tranquility?

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to see the blue bird, you must get the person you like to 8 hearts and the mayor to 3-4 hearts. a few says after, Hamilton will come to your house and tell you about the Blue Bird of Happiness and how it's feather is a traditional marriage proposal. anywhere between the next day and 2 weeks later, when you leave your house, you will see a blue bird. Then

just follow the bird to Caramel Falls. They go around the path, past the waterfall; just as if you were about to go to the hot springs. Just keep walking and the scene will trigger when you are on the other side.

How do you buy animals in harvest moon 1?

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Go to the tall rectangle building whare you can sell and store food, at the on the table next to the dairy ship-ment there will be a table whare you can buy different items, animals, and buildings, you select the circle below the buy animal one, select the other item and select your item.

-love your animals!

Harvest Moon DS Animals?

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You automatically start off with your cat and dog. You can also get a horse, after you have shipped 1000 items in your Shipping Bin, Takakura will stop by in the morning and deliver your horse. You can use that horse as a portable Shipping Bin, and even ride it around the valley. To get Cows, Sheep, Chicken, and Ducks:

To get Cows and Sheep, you have to call Gotz and have him build you an Animal Shed (made of either Fodder, Lumber, Material Stone, or Golden Lumber, do NOT choose Fodder, or else your shed will easily collapse, choose Lumber, cuz its cheaper and doesn't break as easily, but if you have enough money choose Material Stone). Once your shed is built, call Yodel Ranch, and you can buy Cows and Sheep. You can also buy scissors (or shears) and a Milker from Yodel Ranch to milk your cows, and shear your sheep.

Chicken: Call Gotz and have him build you a Chicken Coop (made of either Fodder, Lumber, or Material Stone, or Golden Lumber. DO NOT choose Fodder, it'll collapse choose Lumber or Material Stone) once your Chicken Coop is finished, call Chicken Lil's and you can buy Chickens. They lay eggs that you can ship in your shipping bin.

Ducks: You have to call Gotz to build you a Duck Pond, but you ALSO have to have enough room in your Chicken Coop. 4 birds to a coop, and you can have more than one coop. The Duck Pond is a little bit expensive, but once you have it built, call Chicken Lil's and you can also buy Ducks now. You can leave them outside during the Spring and Summer (and Fall I think too, not sure) but not Winter, leave them in the Chicken Coop during winter. When they're outside in their duck pond, you don't have to feed them, but you can't buy more chickens/ducks cuz they still "count" sorta as being in your chicken coop.

I hope that helped:)

What do ducks do on a farm?

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there are no ducks on farms. furthermore nakuji stinks.

What bird has blue and green feathers?

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The Blue Jay has a bright blue crest along with blue, white, and black plumage. These birds have a noisy call and are known for being intelligent.

How long after first planting can you harvest?

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Different plants take different times to produce. Some are very quick eg radish some take a long time eg pumpkin

How do you get the turtle in Harvest Moon Another Wonderful Life?

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I wondered that, too! Honestly, the lizard is just for looks.

There is absolutely, positively NO way.

I feel you though

What does the blue feather in Harvest Moon mean?

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Get the bachlelor or bachelorette that you are trying to woo to a red heart, and view all of said bachlor or bachlorette's heart events and it will become availiable at the local market/ on the telephone like in most other HM games (yes there is female X female marriage in HM:DS.C