

Best Answer
  • the brides veil is drggind down on the foor
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Q: How do you use Piercing the corporate veil in a sentence?
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How do you use veil in a sentence?

The best way to use "veiled" in a sentence would be to use it as reference to something hidden. Such as, "The girl's face was veiled, concealing her identity."

When is the veil of incorporated be lifted?

You may be referring to the judicial practice of "piercing the corporate veil". One of the reasons for organizing and conducting commerce through a corporation is liability limitation, Thus, there has to be provision for when a corporation is organized in contemplation of the use of, or is used for, fraudulent or other unlawful purposes. There is a multiplicity of situations in which the corporate veil might be pierced. Corporations generally cannot be used as a "shield" behind which an individual can "hide" in order to do something that, when done by the individual without the purported involvement of the corporation, would be unlawful. Probably the primary situtation wherein a court might be persuaded to pierce the corporate veil is where the corporation has been too thinly capitalized than would be deemed as reasonably needed to conduct the commerce the nature of which is contemplated. In situations such as this, the shareholders or officers could therefore be held personally liable for the commercial conduct of the corporation.

How can one use the word 'shrouded' in a sentence?

Shrouded mean to conceal or hide from view. One may use shrouded in a sentence such as "Was she shrouded in a veil of secrecy ?" to ask if a person was hiding a secret.

How do you use veil in sentences?

She wore a veil at the wedding.The store was a veil for shady underground operations.

Can you use a ear piercing cleaner on my nose?

Yes, you can use ear piercing cleaner on a nose piercing.

How would you use booth in a sentence?

I dread visiting the ear-piercing booth at the mall. The knife-throwing booth is temporarily closed.

Use shrill in a sentence?

The word "shrill" is used to describe a piercing quality in a sound. An example of a sentence using this word would be: The shrill scream sounded almost like a whistle.

Is MySQL free for corporate use?

Yes it is free for corporate use.

What do i use to clean your nose piercing?

Alcohol should not be used on any piercing. Soaking your piercing in sea salt is best. you can also use non scented antibacterial soap to clean your piercing

Is it okay to use Bare Minerals makeup after just getting a facial piercing?

Around the piercing but not on the piercing.

What tuning does pierce the veil primarily use?

they use drop c on most of there songs

Is listerine safe to use for a tongue piercing i was told to use it by my piercer?

If he said it was good to use I guess it is. This was a professional piercing wasn't it? If it wasn't call a shop and ask them what to use.