

How do you use Wonka bottle caps?

Updated: 11/5/2022
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11y ago

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1. Rip the package open

2. Hold one or more in one hand

3. Hold you hand against your open mouth, allowing the bottle caps to fall into your mouth

4. Chew

5. Swallow-------lol its candy. isnt it obvious

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11y ago
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Q: How do you use Wonka bottle caps?
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How much sugar is in cap?

there is 2% sugar in Bottle tops (Willy Wonka) and no sugar in bottle caps unless you have added sugar

What types of sweets are offered by the Wonka company?

The Willy Wonka Candy Company is a brand by Nestle. They currently produce sweets such as Bottle Caps, Nerds, Fun Dip, Pixy Stix, Laffy Taffy, Runts and SweeTarts.

How do you make a solar car?

Use a water bottle and for the wheels use four water bottle caps and put a hole in the sides of the water bottle (use a big water bottle) and put holes in the caps too and use a straw to hold the wheels to the car and use tape to keep it all together. Good luck!

How do you use bottle caps the candy?

stick it in water not 1 but many

What are the most popular uses of bottle caps?

Many artists will use bottle caps to create things made with recycling objects. You can also give them to kids, they will know how to use it an create wonderful creations.

Is a bottle cap plastic really is a bottle cap plastic?

Plastics make up the majority of bottle caps. They might also be created from metal. Based on its intended use and the type of bottle or container, the material used to make bottle caps is selected.

Where to buy bottle caps?

A home brewing supply store will carry bottle caps.

Best wheels for a balloon powered car?

I suggest using soda bottle caps, or maybe even Gatorade caps since they're larger and allow for more distance traveled. I would use bottle caps or CD's

Where can one find retro bottle caps from the fifties?

There are many companies and websites that offer retro bottle caps that are from the 1950s. Some of these websites that offer bottle caps are The Bottle Cap Museum and Northern Express.

Are beer caps biodegradable?

bottle caps boi degradeable

Is it possible to recycle bottle caps for money?

Yes, it is possible to recycle bottle caps for money. Different recycling companies will pay so much for each bottle cap recycled or go by number of pounds in bottle caps in order to determine how much to pay for them.

Were can you find bottle caps?

On bottles....... -.-