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There are many explanations for why a mala has 108 beads, one of which is that one should say 100 mantras, but usually people make mistakes, so an extra 8 beads were added just in case. Think of a 21 bead mala the same way. Say some extra mantras just in case. ---

Don't get too caught up in the mathematics of it all. Buddha never dictated a number and you are not obligated to force one upon yourself unless you choose to do so. Most practices picked 100 as a nice round number, and a few extras to compensate, that's all. How one uses their mala is as varied as any other aspect of one's practice. The whole point is to be mindful, and a mala is nothing more than a tool to help you accomplish this in your practice. In addition to recognizing the need to compensate for human error, you can also use it bookmarks or footprints in topics you wish to be mindful of during a session. For example, when I use a 21 bead mala, I use it as follows:


bead 1 -- I believe that I am prepared to begin.


bead 2 -- I take refuge in the Buddha.

bead 3 -- I take refuge in the Dharma.

bead 4 -- I take refuge in the Sangha.


bead 5 -- I recognize that life means suffering.

bead 6 -- I recognize that the origin of suffering is attachment.

bead 7 -- I recognize that the cessation of suffering is attainable.

bead 8 -- I recognize that to follow the path is to end suffering.


bead 9 - I shall practice Right View.

bead 10 -- I shall practice Right Intention.

bead 11 -- I shall practice Right Speech.

bead 12 -- I shall practice Right Action.

bead 13 -- I shall practice Right Livelihood.

bead 14 -- I shall practice Right Effort.

bead 15 -- I shall practice Right Mindfulness.

bead 16 -- I shall practice Right Concentration.


bead 17 -- As the Buddha avoided taking life, I shall avoid taking life.

bead 18 -- As the Buddha avoided taking what is not freely given, I shall avoid taking what is not freely given.

bead 19 -- As the Buddha avoided using false speech, I shall avoid using false speech.

bead 20 -- As the Buddha avoided physical misconduct, I shall avoid physical misconduct.

bead 21 -- As the Buddha avoided recklessness from substances, I shall avoid recklessness from substances.


anchor bead -- Session is complete!

This is just how I do it, though. The fact that there isn't a "right" answer here is the only "right" answer!

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Q: How do you use a 21-bead Mala if 21 is not a fraction of 108?
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What is the difference between a hand mala and a counter mala in Buddhism?

Most malas used by Buddhists have 108 beads, though some have fewer beads; usually some fraction of 108. Some say that the reason there are 108 beads is that one should say 100 mantras, but being human, we are all bound to goof up sometimes, so they put the extra 8 beads on in case you make a mistake. Others say that the extra 8 mantras are dedicated to all sentient beings. It doesn't matter what kind of mala you use; you can easily keep track of how many mantras you've said by counting on each joint of each finger (each finger has four placemarks).

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Mainly for complete and good meditation,mantra,chanting as well as different puran supreme hindu book described mainly 108 bead, for which each bead of 108 bead rudraksha 'mala' contain gayatri rudraksha mantra as well as various mantra.Also Rudraksha mala can be worn and recited mantra of 54 bead and 27 bead rudraksha.

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18 times 6 is 108. Use division to get the answer: 108 divided by 6 is 18.

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Use a factor tree. 108 54,2 27,2,2 9,3,2,2 3,3,3,2,2

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108. Use a calculator if you don't believe me.