

How do you use acquaint in a sentence?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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John is more of an acquaintance than a friend.

Do you know whether John has any acquaintance with subjects such as Biology? (familiarity)

Although you are not an acquaintance of mine, I am happy to provide an answer to this question for you.

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12y ago

My brother went to see what Mother wanted while his girlfriend and I got acquianted.

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12y ago

I'm not sure how to put it in words but here's an example: He had us get acquainted before we proceeded.

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We will acquaint the manager with this program.

Let me acquaint you with my family.

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Here are some sentences.Allow me to acquaint you with the rules of etiquette so you'll be more polite.Please acquaint me with the new ambassador.

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well acquaint means: to make someone aware of or familiar withSo here's a sentence: New staff should be acquainted with fire exit routes.

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This seminar will acquaint participants with their options for creating a business process architecture and provide a blueprint for conducting a business process audit.

How do you use the word 'acquaint' in a sentence?

I got acquainted with my new roommate.After eating spicy Indian food, I became well acquainted with the toilet.He quickly got acquainted with her when he realized they had a lot in common.

What is the abstract noun of acquaint?

The abstract noun forms of the verb to acquaint are acquaintance and the gerund, acquainting.

What is the verb for aquaintance?

The verb of acquaintance is acquaint. As in "to acquaint someone".

What is the noun for acquaint?

The noun forms of the verb to acquaint are acquaintanceand the gerund, acquainting.

What is a good sentence for the word acquaint?

Here are 3 examples:She acquainted, very well, with her neighbor.Why haven't you acquainted with her yet?Don't be shy to be acquainted with him.

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