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Our team was assigned the most difficult exercise.

I didn't like my third grade teacher because she assigned too much homework.

Who is the social worker assigned to this case?

We had assigned seats for the inservice which meant we weren't with our friends.

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11y ago

I have a business assignation this afternoon.

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6y ago

This assignment can be completed in one of two ways; take it, or leave it.

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Your assignment is to read To Kill A Mockingbird.
She finished her assignment just in time.

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Q: How do you use assigned in a sentence?
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Example sentence for the noun protractor: My teacher assigned homework which required us to use a protractor.

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You should really work hard on the report that your teacher has assigned you!

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My science teacher gave us a big project to do the night before it was assigned.

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Number the banquet tables in sequential order so people can be assigned to sit at the tables.

How do you use 'lookout' in a sentence?

Lookout for that tree!!The forest ranger was assigned to the mountain top lookout and watch for forest fires.

How do you write a sentence with the word assigned?

My teacher assigned me a lot of homework over Thanksgiving vacation.

How would you use the word friar in a sentence?

The friar assigned to the community center was dedicated to the needs all clients regardless of their religion.

How do you use the word senate in a sentence?

The Roman Senate decided to impeach the emperor.I have a meeting at the senate today.