

How do you use conditioning as a noun?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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The conditioning will add to the total cost of the treatment.

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Q: How do you use conditioning as a noun?
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Is air conditioning countable noun?

No, the compound noun 'air conditioning' is an uncountable noun a type of aggregate noun, a word representing an indefinite number of elements or parts; a word for a system.

Is conditioning a noun or a verb?

The word 'conditioning' is the present participle, present tense of the verb to condition. The present participle of the verb also functions as an adjective and a gerund (a verbal noun).Example:The first step is conditioning the recruits to harsh conditions. (verb)Your hair will require a conditioning treatment before it can be dyed. (adjective)His increased performance is due to his rigorous conditioning. (noun)

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No use for exhaust in car air conditioning

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How old is air conditioning?

The concept of air conditioning has been in use since the time of the Ancient Egyptians. The first modern electric air conditioning device was invented in 1902 by Willis Carrier.

What happens when you use air conditioning?

you get a big electric bill.

What is the most imporent use of electricity?

heat and air conditioning

What is the noun of the verb to use?

The noun forms of the verb to use are user, and the gerund, using.The word 'use' is also a noun form.

What is the word THE in french?

If the noun is masculine, use 'le' If the noun is feminine, use 'la' If the noun is plural, use 'les'

Is northwest a common noun?

The word northwest is a common noun. Northwest is only a proper noun when it is used for a proper name such as Northwest Heating and Air Conditioning Service, the movie 'North by Northwest', or Yellow Knife, Northwest Territories, Canada.

How do macaroni penguins stay warm?

They use air conditioning and blankets.

Can you use the same gauges for different air conditioning refrigerant?

Yes you can.............