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the Declaration of Independence was the first lasting representation of a constitutional government in the new world

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Q: How do you use constitutional government in a history related sentence?
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How is history related to economics?

theyre related because both are studied by nerds

Which constitutional principle is most closely related to the concept of civil society?

limited government

To what desciplines is geography related?

Geography is related to History. The people of England have not been conquered since 1066 a.d. Wars have not been fought on English soil. England has a history of stable government. Across the English Channel, France and Belgium have been involved in wars. They do not have a history of stable government. Japan uses a writing system similar to Chinese. Its Government is like that of England as is its Geography.

What is related to geography?

Geography is related to History. The people of England have not been conquered since 1066 a.d. Wars have not been fought on English soil. England has a history of stable government. Across the English Channel, France and Belgium have been involved in wars. They do not have a history of stable government. Japan uses a writing system similar to Chinese. Its Government is like that of England as is its Geography.

What is the term for a government in which a legislature exercises some control over the king or queen?

A constitutional monarchy, also known as a limited monarchy or parliamentary monarchy. A constitutional/limited/parliamentary monarchy has a legislature and a constitution. See the Related Link below for the Wikipedia entry.

What is a sentence with conjunction?

Conjunctions are used to connect related objects, or to connect clauses in a sentence. The government established the program in conjunction with the city and state.

What are the constitutional issues related to the internet?

Cyber bullying

What are related words to political?

legislative, constitutional, governmental

How was the three fifths Compromise related to the Constitutional Convention?

the three fifths compromise was discussed during the constitutional convention

Government agencies related to tourism?

government agency related in tourism

What test measures whether an action of government achieves a fair purpose?

The rational basis test

This means that the Court will uphold a state law that is based on reasonably related classification?

The Court will support a state law if it is based on a classification that is reasonably related to a legitimate government interest. This means that as long as there is a rational connection between the classification used by the law and a valid government purpose, the Court will consider the law constitutional.