

Best Answer

the eightfold path is a devolpe of deep uderstanding of the four noble truths

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Related questions

What religion follows the eightfold path?

The eightfold path is path of Buddhism.

How is the Eightfold path linked to Samsara?

The eightfold path is linked to samsara because if you do everything in the eightfold path you will get really good karma, which will help you in your next life

What tells buddhists that they should follow the Eightfold Path?

Suffering, because the eightfold path is a way to end suffering.

What was another name for the Eightfold Path?

The Middle Path, The Way

How does the eightfold path relate to the four noble truths?

The eightfold path is the 4th noble truth, the way to remove suffering or dukkha.

Which religion involves the Eightfold Path?


What was the name of the path the buddha taught?

the eightfold path is the path that Buddha taught.

What part of the eightfold path is the five precepts in?

The Five Noble Precepts are not explicitly contained in their entirety in the Noble Eightfold Path. However: The First Precept, Not Killing, the Second Precept, Not Stealing, and the Third Precept, Not Stealing, are part of the fourth point of the Noble Eightfold Path, Right Action.The Fourth Precept, Not Lying, is part of the third point of the Noble Eightfold Path, Right Speech.The Fifth Precept, not drinking alcohol, is not found in the Noble Eightfold Path.

Why is Buddha teaching the eightfold path?

Buddha taught the Eightfold Path so that people could stop being reincarnated into more suffering.

Who made the eightfold path?

prince siddhartha

Which religion has the noble eightfold path?


What is the importance of the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold path?

The four Nobel truths explain why human suffer while the eightfold path offers a way to overcome that suffering.