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To address the concerns about workplace discrimination, the President issued an Executive Order to all Departments in the executive branch.

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Q: How do you use executive order in a sentence related to the presidency?
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How did president Nixon attempt to increase the power of the presidency?

He claimed that he did not have to reveal the tapes because of executive order.

How Can President Romney repeal Obama by an Executive Order as soon as he elected?

No. His presidency won't be in effect until the inauguration.

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What is Executive Order 13693?

Read it yourself at the related link below:

What is the order of presidency?

The order of the Presidency is President followed by Vice President. Next in line to the presidency is the Speaker of the House.

What is a sentence with the word executive in it?

The chief executive fired the lazy administrator.I am a chief executive.The order came from the executive level.John worked as an executive for Microsoft.

Difference between executive order and law?

An Executive Order comes from the President. Laws are passed by Congress.

How is an executive order recinded?

how is a presidential executive order recinded

What order is the presidents?

The order of the Presidency is President followed by Vice President. Next in line to the presidency is the Speaker of the House.

What is the power to issue executive orders?

If the executive order is given as part of directing the armed forces in war time, hosting foreign dignitaries, or enforcing federal law or the U.S. Constitution, it is simply called the power of the presidency. If the executive order is in effect a new law or a modification to an existing law, it is the power of luck, because at that point the President is lucky that the House of Representatives has not impeached him for violating the Constitution.

What term descrsibes presidential rules that have the force of law?

An exective order is a direct, rule, or regulation that has the effect of the law.

What executive order number was the loyalty security program?

Truman's Executive Order 9835