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Q: How do you use gold leaf eletroscope to indentify conductors and insulators?
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What are examples for conductors and insulator?

Metals, such as gold and silver, are conductors whereas wood and rubber are insulators.

Examples of insulators and conductors?

Insulators: wood, plastic Conductors: Copper, Gold

Are metal gold and copper good heat insulators?

No. Both metals are good conductors of heat.

What are good insulators but bad conductors?

metals. gold and silver are some of the best. copper and aluminum are the most common,

Is a gold ring conductors or insulators?

Gold is an excellent conductor

List of good and bad conductor of electricity?

Good conductors conduct electrical current very easily because of their free electrons. Some common good conductors are copper, aluminum, gold, and silver.Bad conductors (or insulators) oppose electrical current and make poor conductors. Some common insulators or bad conductors are glass, air, plastic, rubber, and wood.Conductors have a very low resistance to electrical current while insulators or bad conductors have a very high resistance to electrical current.

How would you define gold heat eletroscope?

A gold leaf electroscope consists of two gold foils that will separate when an electric charge is applied.

Name three examples for conductor of insulators?

examples of conductors are gold, silver,cooper,carbon,water containing minerals examples of insulators are plastic,glass,rubber,wood,dry paper thats all i have

Are good conductors of heat also good conductors of electricity?

Aluminum and copper are excellent conductors of electricity. Chlorine is a good one when bonded to Hydrogen in acid form. The useful for electrical wiring are Copper, silver, and gold.

Does sponge conduct electricity?

An insulator or neither. The water inside of the sponge is what would conduct electricity.

Are gold copper and silver insulators or conductors?

They are metals, and like all metals they are excellent conductors of both heat and eletricity. While both conduct but not the same see periodic table plus silver oxidizes and eventual makes a bad conductor at the joints gold is not as good conductor but is is impervious of elements effects on it.

How are conductors and insulators diffrent?

conductors conduct (transfer) heat and electricity very well, some exampels would be metals such as gold, copper, etc... insulators insulate (impede/prevent) heat and electricity from traveling through them efficiently or even at all, and some examples are wood, water (keep in mind, water itself is not what conducts electricity, it is the minerals in it), plastic, rubber, etc.