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This is not one I have heard of, though I think it could be classified with the following:

The following are all reported methods individuals have tried in attempting to self-treat or prevent bed bugs and bed bug bites. Please note, that when attempting to self-treat a bed bug infestation the chances are that the infestation will only be made worse, causing more expenses and more heartache for everyone involved.

  1. Leaving the Lights On

    What it is supposed to to - Sleeping with the lights on is meant to confuse bugs into not biting because they think that it is day time

    What it really does - Bed Bugs will still bite. They are usually most active during the dusk hours because they have a meal. Bed bugs are attracted to the CO2 and body heat emitted from your body. The will still detect you on the bed and will still bite. Not to mention the increased electric bill!

  2. Eliminating Heat

    What it is supposed to do - Turning off the heat during the winter months is thought by some to freeze the bed bugs and in effect kill them off.

    What it really does - The lack of heat can freeze water pipes, propane lines, and more in your home, all the wile, not allowing the home to get cold enough to exterminate bed bugs. This requires EXTREME temperatures.

  3. Olive Oil

    What it is supposed to do - Covering your body in olive oil before going to bed makes your skin so slippery that bed bugs cannot climb on or off of your body.

    What it really does - Bed bugs can slide underneath your body, and will continue to bite all areas of skin that are touching the mattress, that is, if they truly cannot walk on your body. Don't forget the messy sheets you will wake up to in the morning!

  4. Bug Bombs

    What it is supposed to do - Setting off bombs inside the home full of insecticide (similar products are often used for fleas) will fully cover the area and effectively exterminate any bed bugs.

    What it really does - Bombing of an area for bed bugs has the tenancy to spread the infestation. All chemical bombings are risky procedures, and take the chance of contamination of many items. Bombing can also blow windows out of buildings due to the increased pressure inside.

  5. Gasoline/Kerosene

    What it is supposed to do - Dousing beds, couches, and entire residences in diesel fuel or kerosene will inhibit the movement of bed bugs, and eventually kill them off for lack of food.

    What it really does - Can you say "Fire Hazard"? This method is not onlyextremely dangerous, there is also no proof that it is actually effective.

Other Myths

Sulfur Burning - burning sulfur inside of the home

Fire Extinguishers - Spraying on bed bugs to attempt to freeze them

Exterior Pesticides - using pesticides that are not effective against bed bugs

WD-40 - Spraying the chemical directly on bugs

Baking Soda/Rubbing Alcohol - Applying this combination to mattress, sofa, etc.

With all of the myths going on surrounding bed bug treatment and prevention, we at A3 Superior Pest Control ask that you do not attempt to self-treat. Please call a pest control professional. To contact A3 Superior, call 1-877-757-7767.

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What products kill bed bugs instantly?

Bed bugs are a blood feeding insect, and while they are small, they are no where near that small. Bed bugs do NOT help the human population in any way. To answer the question, most bed bug products do not kill bed bugs instantly. As an employee of a pest control company who specializes in bed bugs, my recommendation for the fastest form of extermination would be the use of heat.

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the smoke on Burning dry leaves of saru helps kill bed bugs.

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By using it as a verb. For example, you gargle the Listerine Mouthwash. "I gargled the Listerine Mouthwash before going to bed." If you want to use it in the present tense, say, "I usually gargle with mouthwash before going to bed."

Will dawn dishwashing liquid kill bed bugs?

That depends on the brand, the ingredients, the concentration etcetera. In general; if you want to kill bedbugs, please use an apropiate agent that is developed to kill the bugs. Do not use any household chemicals to create your own insecticide for your own safety.

Is there any thing natural I can use to kill bed bugs?

You can use a steam vapor cleaner to get rid of them. By using this method you will not have to use the harsh chemicals that you are not wanting to use.

Does Formula 409 kill bed bugs?

409 can kill bed bugs to an extent. If you can catch the bed bugs or find them all and then use 409 I am sure it would kill them. The problem resides in the fact that bed bugs are excellent at hiding in sheets, mattresses, and even carpet. So while you may think that you have killed them all. You probably haven't. Bed bugs feed every 4 to 5 days making them near impossible to find because they only resurface from their hiding spots in order to feed. helps with this problem with their Results Bed Bug Killer. This powder is used to lay down a barrier that bed bugs will have to cross. So you can lay it around your bed, room, or entire house if you wish and because bed bugs cannot fly or jump they will eventually have to cross the barrier. When they do, they die. Diatect's bed bug killer really works. I suggest getting rid of the bed bugs before they spread, because if you wait they will only get worse. Best of Luck!

How much does it cost to kill bed bugs?

The cost to rid your bed of bedbugs would be between $300.00 and $600.00.Bed bugs can get into cracks and crevices in your home or other furniture so this would be the best way instead of buying a new bed.Bed bugs can be hard to get rid of unless you use a specialist in this field.

How get rid of bed bugs in the kitchen?

Use pesticides

What did that use in the late 60 for the bed bugs?

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After one week of wisdom tooth extraction can you rinse with Listerine?

You can use listerine, however keep in mind that this will not only kill the bad but also the good bacteria that is required for faster healing process.

What can I use in my water fountain to kill bugs that's not chlorine?

Try bleach. It should kill the bugs and keep algae from growing.

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