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use apply it has if it were baking soda. then sqezze as hard as you can. the rush is unbelieveable!

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Q: How do you use meth in your anus?
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How long does it take for meth to absorb through the anus?

15 days

Is crystal meth predominately a problem in rural America?

No. Japan has problems with meth use as well. Other countries have problems with meth use. Meth use has only became a rural problem rather recently.

What can you use to clean out you'r anus?

You can use a douche or enema to clean out the anus.

How do you use anus in a sentence?

my anus hurt badly

How do you use a tube to suck out of your anus?

Do not use a device of any sort to suck out your anus.

Is casual use of meth really that harmful?

Yes, using meth is harmful.

Do you use muscels when you poo?

yes, when the anus scrunched when you push the poop out you use the muscles on the anus. :^)

What drugs did Hitler use?


What does it mean when a meth user is tweaking?

easiest way to put it is if a meth user is tweeking he/she is high on meth. tweeking is the slang for high on meth. its like how when u smoke pot u get "stoned". use meth and you get "tweeked" or "twacked"

How do you pass a swab drug test for crystal meth?

Simple, never use or go near crystal meth.

Are the Effects of Crystal Meth Reversible?

Depends on the amount used and frequency of use. It also depends on the effects of meth. If someone smoked meth and did not take care of their oral hygiene, the damage to their teeth is not reversible. Any brain damage that occurred due to excessive meth use is likely to be repaired, but it is not certain whether this would be completely reverisble or not (it would likely depend on the amount + frequency of use). Weight loss and skin problems will likely gradually improve once meth use is ceased. Resultant psychological issues will likely get better the longer that the person is abstinent from meth use.

Does meth make a woman cheat?

No.A woman who has sufficiently bad judgement to use meth would probably cheat also, but it's not the meth that's making her do so.