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You could use it in a sentence like this "California is near Nevada."

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Q: How do you use preposition near?
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What part of speech is the word near?

Depending on the use, the word near can serve as an adverb, adjective, preposition, or verb. Adverb: Come near. Adjective: in the near future Preposition: near the time Verb. The boat neared the docks.

Is stood near a preposition?

Near is a preposition. Stood is the past tense of the verb "to stand".

Is near a preposition?

Yes, near is used as a preposition. For example:It was near midnight when they arrived. She lives near me.The word near is also a verb, an adjective, and an adverb.

Preposition meaning in on near or by?

Prepositions are words that show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. They can indicate location, time, direction, or relationship. Some examples of prepositions that show location or proximity include "in," "on," "near," and "by."

Is near a preposition or an adverb?

It can be either. If the object is named, it is a preposition (near the wall). If there is no object, it just means "nearby" or "close." (Near can also be an adjective.)

Is near an adverb of place?

The word near can mean in location or in time, but it has infrequent use as an adverb. It is much more often an adjective (the end is near) or a preposition (don't go near the water).

Can you use the word but as a preposition?

No, "but" is typically used as a conjunction to contrast two ideas or clauses. It is not commonly used as a preposition in English grammar.

When do you use a preposition?

A preposition is used before a noun or pronoun to show its relationship to another word in the sentence. It indicates location, time, direction, or other relationships between elements in a sentence.

What preposition starts with the letter n?


What is another preposition that can replace by?

next,at and near

A preposition that starts with the letter n?


Is nearby an adverb or preposition?

Nearby is either an adjective or an adverb. (a nearby hotel, she works nearby) The word used as a preposition is "near" (near the city)