

How do you use strawberries to whiten your teeth?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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all you have to do is get one strawberry and rub all over your teeth. then you can get a bowl and pour a little bit of baking soda with a little bit of salt, and brush! Good luck!!

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13y ago
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Q: How do you use strawberries to whiten your teeth?
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What substance is best for cleaning teeth?

You can use hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. You can also use strawberries to whiten your teeth. You can also use commercial toothpaste made for whitening or have them bleached at the dentist.

Are strawberries used for cosmetics?

I don't know about cosmetics, but I do know that strawberries mixed with some other stuff can help whiten your teeth!

How can you whiten your teeth?

Use Crest, they keep selling new ones that can whiten them or use mouthwash.

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to whiten teeth

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No do not!!!

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Use Crest, they keep selling new ones that can whiten them or use mouthwash.

Do teeth whiteners whiten dentures?

99% of them DO NOT! Go to your dentist and they will whiten them as you wait. DO NOT USE BLEACH!

Can you use domestos to whiten your teeth?

Domestos will kill you... but your teeth will be white as the toilet bowl.

What home ingredient can you put on your teeth to whiten them?

Using hydrogen peroxide Hydrogen peroxide is a mild bleach that can help to whiten stained teeth . For optimal whitening, a person can try brushing with a mix of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide for 1–2 minutes twice a day for a week. If you are looking for natural alternative method to whiten your teeth at home then click the link in my bio to access the my No.#1 recommended method to whiten your teeth very easily at home.

Why do you use a thermometer?

you use a thermometer to check the temperature of the human body to See if you have a fever if you wanna now how to whiten your teeth use the question hoe to whiten your teeth with baking soda bye xx

Do strawberries make your teeth whiter?

Like most old wives tale there is an element of truth in that strawberries can whiten teeth. The reason is that the acid inside the strwberry cleans your teeth from dark stains and gives the appearance of white teeth. But the problem of using strawberries to whiten your teeth is the acid may damage the enamel. This can reveal the dentin in your teeth which is made from a yellow substance. The seed in the straeberry can also scratch your teeth and causes further damage.

Does sperm whiten teeth?

No, sperm is not used to whiten teeth. There are special kits you can buy to whiten your teeth, but always check with a dentist if you have a lot of dental work.