


Strawberries are a popular fruit that is tasty eaten plain and popular for shortcakes and pies. It's ranked in the 50 highest antioxidant sources, so it's healthy, too.

938 Questions

What is the chemical formula of strawberry extract?

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Asked by Wiki User

The chemical formula of strawberry extract can vary depending on the specific compounds present in the extract. However, some common compounds found in strawberry extract include sugars like glucose and fructose, organic acids like citric acid, and various volatile compounds that contribute to the aroma of strawberries.

What is artificial strawberry flavoring made of?

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Artificial strawberry flavoring is typically made from a combination of chemicals that mimic the taste and smell of real strawberries. These chemicals can include compounds like isoamyl acetate, ethyl acetate, and various other flavorings and additives.

How many pints in a quart of strawberries?

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Asked by Wiki User

It varies depending on the size of the punnet and the size of the strawberries. On my brother's strawberry farm the filled punnets are invariably weighed to achieve a roughly standard weight (i.e. not less than the advertised weight). For "pick-your-own" the customer's punnet is weighed to determine the cost. So the number of strawberries in any given punnet depends on the size of the individual strawberries.

Do strawberry plants have a vascular system?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, strawberry plants have a vascular system composed of xylem and phloem. Xylem transports water and minerals from the roots to other parts of the plant, while phloem transports sugars and other nutrients produced in the leaves to other plant tissues.

Where is the DNA located in a strawberry?

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Asked by Wiki User

The most commonly cultivated strawberry, Fragaria ananassa, is an octoploid with eight sets. This makes it a good candidate for demonstrating DNA extraction - with eight copies of each gene in the strawberry genome, strawberries are packed full of it.

What is the phylum of a strawberry?

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The phylum of a strawberry is Magnoliophyta, which is a group of flowering plants also known as angiosperms.

What is the botanical name for strawberry?

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Any given species can only have one scientific name. The term strawberry is quite general among plant scientists, but can refer to any plant of the genus Fragaria.The scientific name for the commonly known garden strawberry (a hybrid species) is Fragaria× ananassa.

How much fiber in one strawberry?

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One strawberry typically contains around 0.2 grams of fiber.

What is the hypothesis for strawberry DNA project?

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The hypothesis for a strawberry DNA project could be that strawberries contain DNA that can be extracted using household materials and that the DNA extraction process will yield visible strands of DNA.

How does a strawberry act as a natural indicator?

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Asked by Lilrach85

A strawberry can act as a natural indicator due to its pigment, anthocyanin, which changes color in the presence of acids and bases. When exposed to an acid, the anthocyanin in strawberries turns red, and when exposed to a base, it turns green. This color change can be used to determine the pH of a solution.

What do the seeds in strawberries do?

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Asked by Wiki User

Seeds in strawberries are primarily responsible for reproduction. They contain the genetic information needed for future plant growth. Additionally, they provide a slightly crunchy texture when consumed.

What is the size of a strawberry seed and what is the smallest known seed?

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A strawberry seed is typically about 1-2 millimeters in size. The smallest known seed belongs to certain orchids, like those of the species of orchid related to Neottia nidus-avis. These seeds are microscopic in size, measuring around 0.05 millimeters.

How long is strawberry DNA?

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Asked by Wiki User

The DNA of a strawberry typically consists of around 700 million base pairs, which are the building blocks of DNA. The length of the DNA can vary slightly between different types of strawberries, but it is generally around this range.

Can you plant a strawberry seed?

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No, strawberries are typically grown from runners or young plants, rather than seeds. Strawberry seeds are very tiny and difficult to germinate successfully, and they often do not produce the same quality of fruit as the parent plant.

How many chromosomes does a strawberry have?

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Actually cucumbers have eight-teen chromosomes

How do you extract DNA from a strawberry?

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Asked by Wiki User

To extract DNA from a strawberry, you would first need to mash the strawberry to break down the cell walls. Then, a detergent can be added to break down the cell membranes and release the DNA. After adding alcohol, the DNA will form a white clump which can be spooled out using a glass rod.

How are strawberry seeds dispersed?

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Asked by Wiki User

Birds eat the strawberries (fruit) and excrete the seeds as they are flying.

Do leopard geckos eat a strawberry?

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Asked by KSIxDeCePtIoNx

no they can not eat tomato.

Can bunnies eat strawberry leaves?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes they eat the leaves off the blackberry bushes

Are strawberries still in season in December?

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No, strawberries are a cooler weather fruit, and in the southern United States they peek around February.

Does thermotherapy affect the taste of a strawberry?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fruits that have pores tend to mold and it has been an ancient practice by fruit cultivators (Himalayan hilly regions ) to preserve fruits from forming molds by dipping it in hot water to kill any fungus mold and dry it for preservation without spoiling the freshness or taste. Modern agricultural scientists (pomologists) have experimented with this technique and termed it 'thermotherapy'.This method is now being showcased as science projects in schools.

On Neopets where do you get a strawberry milkshake?

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Asked by Wiki User

Items such as these can be bought from user shops. to find one put the name into the shop wizard and choose one of the shops you are shown.