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Separate the non-adjacent cells or ranges with a comma in the SUM function.



This is the same as the combination formula:

=A1 + SUM(B2:B14) + SUM (M32:W32)

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Q: How do you use the SUM function to total the values stored in non-adjacent cells or ranges?
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What is the use and purpose of the function which is average and sum in Ms Excel spreadsheets?

The SUM function can total up ranges of cells, or individual cells or values. For example, to sum the values in all the cells from A2 to A20, you could do it like this:=SUM(A2:A20)The AVERAGE function gets an average that is known as the arithmetic mean. It adds up all the values and divides by the number of values it finds. It can be used in the same way as SUM can be, like this:=AVERAGE(A2:A20)The SUM function can total up ranges of cells, or individual cells or values. For example, to sum the values in all the cells from A2 to A20, you could do it like this:=SUM(A2:A20)The AVERAGE function gets an average that is known as the arithmetic mean. It adds up all the values and divides by the number of values it finds. It can be used in the same way as SUM can be, like this:=AVERAGE(A2:A20)The SUM function can total up ranges of cells, or individual cells or values. For example, to sum the values in all the cells from A2 to A20, you could do it like this:=SUM(A2:A20)The AVERAGE function gets an average that is known as the arithmetic mean. It adds up all the values and divides by the number of values it finds. It can be used in the same way as SUM can be, like this:=AVERAGE(A2:A20)The SUM function can total up ranges of cells, or individual cells or values. For example, to sum the values in all the cells from A2 to A20, you could do it like this:=SUM(A2:A20)The AVERAGE function gets an average that is known as the arithmetic mean. It adds up all the values and divides by the number of values it finds. It can be used in the same way as SUM can be, like this:=AVERAGE(A2:A20)The SUM function can total up ranges of cells, or individual cells or values. For example, to sum the values in all the cells from A2 to A20, you could do it like this:=SUM(A2:A20)The AVERAGE function gets an average that is known as the arithmetic mean. It adds up all the values and divides by the number of values it finds. It can be used in the same way as SUM can be, like this:=AVERAGE(A2:A20)The SUM function can total up ranges of cells, or individual cells or values. For example, to sum the values in all the cells from A2 to A20, you could do it like this:=SUM(A2:A20)The AVERAGE function gets an average that is known as the arithmetic mean. It adds up all the values and divides by the number of values it finds. It can be used in the same way as SUM can be, like this:=AVERAGE(A2:A20)The SUM function can total up ranges of cells, or individual cells or values. For example, to sum the values in all the cells from A2 to A20, you could do it like this:=SUM(A2:A20)The AVERAGE function gets an average that is known as the arithmetic mean. It adds up all the values and divides by the number of values it finds. It can be used in the same way as SUM can be, like this:=AVERAGE(A2:A20)The SUM function can total up ranges of cells, or individual cells or values. For example, to sum the values in all the cells from A2 to A20, you could do it like this:=SUM(A2:A20)The AVERAGE function gets an average that is known as the arithmetic mean. It adds up all the values and divides by the number of values it finds. It can be used in the same way as SUM can be, like this:=AVERAGE(A2:A20)The SUM function can total up ranges of cells, or individual cells or values. For example, to sum the values in all the cells from A2 to A20, you could do it like this:=SUM(A2:A20)The AVERAGE function gets an average that is known as the arithmetic mean. It adds up all the values and divides by the number of values it finds. It can be used in the same way as SUM can be, like this:=AVERAGE(A2:A20)The SUM function can total up ranges of cells, or individual cells or values. For example, to sum the values in all the cells from A2 to A20, you could do it like this:=SUM(A2:A20)The AVERAGE function gets an average that is known as the arithmetic mean. It adds up all the values and divides by the number of values it finds. It can be used in the same way as SUM can be, like this:=AVERAGE(A2:A20)The SUM function can total up ranges of cells, or individual cells or values. For example, to sum the values in all the cells from A2 to A20, you could do it like this:=SUM(A2:A20)The AVERAGE function gets an average that is known as the arithmetic mean. It adds up all the values and divides by the number of values it finds. It can be used in the same way as SUM can be, like this:=AVERAGE(A2:A20)

What is the syntax of the AVERAGE function in Microsoft Excel?

The Average function can use numbers, cells or ranges or a mix of these. IT can take up to 255 values. The general syntax is: =AVERAGE(number1, [number2], ...)

How does the highvalue function in Excel work?

Excel does not have a HIGHVALUE function. It does have a MAX function that finds the largest number in a range.The MAX function returns the largest value from the numbers provided.MAX(number1,number2,...number_n)number1, number2, ... number_n are numeric values - they can be numbers, named ranges, arrays, or references to numbers. There can be up to 30 values entered.

Does Excel attempt to guess which cells you want to include in the function by looking for ranges that are adjacent to the selected cell and that contain numeric data?

Yes. It looks for values near the cells, particularly when using functions like SUM or AVERAGE etc. If you select a list of values and then hit the Autosum character, it will even put the total in at the bottom for you in a SUM function, so you don't have to select the values as you enter the function.

What are the domain and range of the function?

The domain of a function is the set of values for which the function is defined.The range is the set of possible results which you can get for the function.

What function would you use to find the mean in a Microsoft Excel document?

The AVERAGE function returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the numbers provided.=AVERAGE(number1,number2,...number_n)number1, number2, ... number_n are numeric values. They can be numbers, named ranges, arrays, or references to numbers. You can enter up to 30 values.

How can you find the domain and range of a function?

The domain is a subset of the values for which the function is defined. The range is the set of values that the function takes as the argument of the function takes all the values in the domain.

What Excel function sums values and then divides by the number of values?

The AVERAGE function.