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Alot of people mess up that cheat, but this is how you do it:

  • Click new game.
  • Then go to the place where you choose the stage you want to play.
  • Open the cheat console.
  • Type evoadvantage.
  • Then when you make your creature you should be able to pick one of the pre-made ones.
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13y ago

On the Galaxy screen press Ctrl-Shift-C and then type in evoadvantage - then go on a planet and click creature stage. When you go to the Sporepedia to choose your starting creature there will be every creature (only animals).

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Q: How do you use the evoadvantage cheat in spore?
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How do I add my creature from the creature creator tool?

Once created you'll see it randomly in the game. To play as the creature use this cheat (evoadvantage) Hope this helps.

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No one can answer unless you specify which game of Spore you are playing (Spore Heros, Spore Galactic Adventures, etc.).

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there is no such thing as skeleton cheat. trust me, i got 100 hour achievment. unless you mean exoskeleon parts. those are NOT a cheat. you have to get them with patch 3.0 or up.

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use the "up" arrow on the keyboard and press "enter"

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You ought to install a mod that does that. There's no console command that does this function. However, you can obtain the Joker badge using any command amid playing the Space stage, such as 'evoadvantage' or 'levels -unlock'. Be aware that the Joker badge disables achievements.

How do you enter a cheat code on spore?

Bring up spore and go into the game you want to use the cheat. Do Ctrl+Shift+C and the command prompt will open up. Type the cheat in and hit enter to execute it. Hitting enter again will close the window. Hitting the Up key will copy the last code entered.

Can you use cheat engine 5.5 on spore?

Yes, but it's easier to hit Ctrl+Shift+C and type help into the screen for a list of all cheat codes for the game.

Are there any cheat codes for spore creatures?

yes, but you will have to pay :(

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Press Ctrl+Shift+C, then type in settime 0-24. This sets the hour of the day.

In spore if you cheat and start a new planet can you still get achievements?

Yes, you can.

What do you need to get epic sizer in spore?

I simply used the cheat spaceCreate

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black spore shest that's where you get them