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Q: How do you use the paint tool for day of reckoning 1?
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What do you use to paint on Photoshop?

You would use the marker/pen/brush tool, or the paint bucket tool.

How do you use the sai paint tool where do you get the paper?

File> new

What is burn tool?

Tool to burn or darken areas of image where you paint using Burn tool, in oposite you can use Dodge tool to lighten image area.

How do you use the smudge tool in Photoshop CS3?

Select Smudge Tool in Toolbox and paint over areas on image

Easy paint tool sai?

Paint tool sai, is A drawing, and artist program, that is like a free Photoshop. you can do many things in PTS, just like photoshop. Paint tool sai is normally best known, for its best with line art.

How do you KO an opponent in WWE day of reckoning?

use either sweet chin music or the go 2 sleep

How do you swap faces on a picture?

With ms paint, use the pencil tool and cut and paste the picture

How do you get blend to work in paint tool sai?

The blur tool should work at its default settings But most artist use the 'water' tool because it looks better when you blend with it.

What is use of pick color tool in paint?

Self-explanatory really - it allows you, the user, to choose what colour you want to use !

How can one tell which Purdy paint brush is required for a job?

You can tell which Purdy paint brush is required for a particular job by using the tool on the official purdy website. You answer a few questions and the tool will tell you what brush to use.

Broom is to sweep as brush is to what?

Comb. You use a brush to comb your hair like you use a broom to sweep the floor Or, Broom is to sweep as brush is to brush. When you use a brush you are brushing your hair; when you use a comb you are combing it.

How do you wright in Chinese?

With a writing tool such as a pen or pencil. You can also use paint brushes if you feel froggy.